Using the wireless presentation technology in a conference room

Learn how to present wirelessly from your laptop or mobile device with the installation of the Mersive Solstice app, and how to moderate a meeting.

Display content wirelessly from your laptop, phone or tablet

  1. Make sure you are connected to the eduroam Wi-Fi network
  2. Locate the touch panel
  3. Choose Wireless Presentation on the left side
  4. Follow the instructions on the projector screen to download and install the Mersive Solstice app for your device,* or enter the displayed IP address into the Mersive Solstice app.

* Available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. Administrative privileges not required for most functionality. See the Mersive Solstice User Guide for more.

Moderate a wireless session

Moderator mode allows you to approve requests from collaborators to join the session or post content to the display. Once moderator mode is enabled, any future collaborators will request to join and wait for a session moderator to approve the request. Only the moderator will have the ability to control what content is posted and the layout of the content.

1. Click the Meeting control in the user app sidebar

2. Toggle Moderate this meeting to On

  • When a new collaborator tries to connect to the display, an alert will appear in the app’s sidebar. Click Alerts to view the request. Three options display for the connection request:
    • Reject: Connection is rejected. The collaborator will be notified that their connection attempt was canceled by the moderator
    • Approve: The collaborator will be connected to the display
    • Approve as Moderator: The collaborator will join with full moderator rights to approve and reject requests to join and post media content
  • When a collaborator tries to post media content to the display, another alert will appear in the app’s sidebar. Click Alerts to view the request. Two options display for the media post request:
    • Reject: The post will not appear on the display. Rejecting the request will not alert the collaborator that their post has been rejected
    • Approve: The post will appear on the display

3. To control collaborators in the session, click on the meeple group icon in the user panel. A list of the connected users will appear with an option to Disconnect the user or Make Moderator

4. To exit moderator mode, go to Meeting in the sidebar and toggle Moderate this meeting to Off

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