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Recruitment Resources Toolkit

There are a wide variety of tools available to University at Buffalo researchers and Buffalo Translational Consortium partners that can enhance recruitment for your research study. From feasibility through follow-up, these tools can help bolster recruitment and retention.

Resources for Researchers and Study Teams

This toolkit serves as a guide for researchers who want to enhance recruitment for their research studies. Depending on the study, multiple tools may be used. If you have any questions about a tool, please contact

Study Listings Participant Databases Consultations Resources Plain Language Advertising

Participate in Research Portal (PIR)

The Participate in Research (PIR) portal is a listing of studies in active recruitment conducted at UB, UB|MD, Kaleida Health System and Erie County Medical Center (ECMC). The portal allows potential participants to search by keyword, age group, and eligibility criteria, as well as whether the study provides compensation and whether the study is recruiting healthy volunteers.

To recruit potential participants to a study.

When registering a study in the Central Study Registration (CSR) system, be sure to select "Yes” next to the question “Do you want this study visible to the public on the UB website?” The CTSI Recruitment Team will be in touch with assistance in writing the study listing in community friendly language for publication on the PIR portal. is a global registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies involving human participants. The website provides information about research studies to patients, their families and caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the public. Each study record includes a summary of the study protocol, including the purpose, recruitment status, and eligibility criteria.

Registering a study on may help with participant recruitment for certain types of studies. Study locations and specific contact information are listed to assist with recruitment. Depending on the source of funding for a study, there are some requirements to register and submit results to (See below for UB's Information Sheet download.)

The site uses a web-based data entry system called the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) to register clinical studies. A PRS account is required to register study information on Contact the UB PRS Administrator, Lynn Jagodzinski, to request a user login. 

Please provide the following information for the account setup:

  • Full Name
  • Department
  • Login Name
  • Email Address (email that you use frequently)
  • Phone (phone that you use frequently)