Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

People in silhouette walking outside on the North Campus.

Whether the issue is salary discrimination, unwanted requests for dates or sexual touching without your consent, we will address your concerns confidentially and in a way that you are comfortable with.

UB promptly and effectively investigates situations involving sex discrimination and sexual harassment, and provides support to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.  Whether or not you wish to proceed with a discrimination complaint, the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) can provide assistance to you.

  • Title IX
    Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity that receives federal financial assistance.  Everyone has a right to equal access under Title IX, regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
  • Sexual Harassment
    It is unlawful and against UB policy to harass anyone because of that person's sex.  UB acts promptly to remedy sexual harassment and prevent its recurrence. 
  • Sexual Harassment Information Advisors
    Sexual Harassment Information Advisors are UB employees in your area who are trained to provide assistance and advice.
  • Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking
    Support is available for students and employees who have experienced stalking, sexual assault, and relationship violence.