Graphic design.

Graphic Elements

Given the complexity of the research, programs, and business operations conducted at the University, graphic design is an essential function that helps communicate the work we do, cultivate conceptual understanding and facilitate positive “customer” interactions. This regularly requires the creation of graphics, diagrams, charts, and infographics (and a myriad of other visuals), which supports institutional brand standards.

This collection of treatments can be used to reinforce hierarchy, guide the viewer, create connections and add emphasis. All graphic elements should be used in strict accordance with these guidelines, to help establish consistency and to make UB communications instantly recognizable.

Our graphic elements

Our brand has a number of graphic tools that create a unique look and make us distinct from our peers and instantly recognizable. When they’re used consistently, these elements create continuity within our family of materials, across a variety of media.

  • Lines and Bullets
    Use these elements to establish hierarchy, direct the eye, connect disparate elements and call out key information.
  • Patterns
    Our graphic elements can be combined to complement our story through patterns of varying complexity.
  • Dynamic Color Bar
    Created as a visual nod to UB's cultural diversity, we have developed a versatile color bar graphic comprised of UB Blue and various combinations from our secondary color palette. This can be an effective element to include in communications when you need a subtle visual element to add interest.
  • Charts and Graphs
    See how UB’s visual vocabulary translates into compelling information graphics through pie, bar and line charts.
  • Branded Wallpaper
    UB commissioned a custom, seamless wallpaper that represents the many facets of the university with a unique set of iconic illustrations, including Hayes Hall, Baird Point and the Center for the Arts.
  • Trademarks as a Design Element
    This guidance is primarily focused on the spirit mark and crest (laurel seal). The interlocking UB may be used as a design element, but only in very limited applications and should only be done in consultation with University Communications (UC).