Staff & Advisors

General UBC Policies

UB Seminar

Communication Literacy

Scientific Literacy & Inquiry


UB Curriculum Capstone


Reentry Students

Previous General Education Program


Form Purpose Relevant Components

General UBC Petition


- To petition for the use of course(s) not previously approved to meet UB Curriculum or previous gen ed requirements.

- Reentering students can utilize this form to petition to move to the previous general education program.

All UBC components and previous general education requirement 
Pre-2002 Curriculum Mapping - To map previously earned courses to fulfill UB Curriculum requirements for reenters admitted prior to 2002. All UB Curriculum components
UB Seminar Retake Petition - To petition for a seat in fall/spring UB Seminar for those who previously failed or resigned. UB Seminar

 Transfer Credit Change Form


- See first page of form for SUNY GETA situations Foundations, Pathways, and relevant components