New York State requires every employer to ensure that all employees complete sexual harassment prevention training on an annual basis.
EDI recognizes that employees have differing preference, scheduling demands and learning styles. For this reason, we offer different training options: (1) attending a live Zoom session, or (2) taking an online course through UB Learns. We also offer departments and areas the option of having EDI join their meeting to provide the training.
EDI is planning for the 2024 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training cycle. EDI will host future Open Zoom Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Sessions, and we will post updated information when sessions are scheduled.
To register for one of the Open Zoom sessions for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, please click on the link below:
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has developed an online program that meets all New York State requirements for sexual harassment prevention training. This program is available in UB Learns, and is comprised of two sections:
Follow the instructions below to complete the online training course via UB Learns.
Using UB Learns requires use of a computer connected to the internet and one of the following compatible, up-to-date web browsers.
* Important note: This course will not work with Internet Explorer (IE).
For more information about browser support, see Browser support on the D2L Brightspace Community website.
EDI uses Panopto to create the training video. The software requires your browser to accept third-party cookies. If you use Safari, you may have to change your settings in order to view this video.
If you are using an Apple device (i.e., MacBook, iMac, iPad or iPhone) and the Safari browser, please see How do I enable third party cookies in supported browsers?
If you do not see the 2024: UB Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Course – EDISHP in your ‘Select a Course’ pulldown, you will need to Discover the course and self-enroll.
The course requires you to:
Use the Visual Table of Contents Widgets to guide you through the course and additional resources available to you outside of the course content. (For details about each widget, click on the ? icon. To close the details, click the X or the "Back" button.)
There are two ways you can access the post-training quiz.
Once you access the quiz, follow these instructions to complete the quiz:
Follow these instructions to view your awards/certificate of Completion:
Select ‘View Awards" If you do not receive a pop-up listed above, you may access your certificate by the following:
a) Select the Messaging icon to view the latest updates about the course:
b) Select the Message you would like to view:
c) You will navigate to the ‘My Awards’ page:
Select the Sexual Harassment link
d) Select ‘Generate Certificate’ to create a PDF Certificate of Completion
A PDF will download to your device.
Go To letter h. to view the certificate.
If you do not receive a pop-up, or see a message in your message area, you may access your certificate by the following:
e) Select your Profile Name and select Profile:
f) Select View My Awards:
g) Select the Sexual Harassment link
Select ‘Generate Certificate’ to create a PDF Certificate of Completion
A PDF will Download to your device.
h) To View the Certificate, Open the PDF
Please DO NOT email EDI with your certificate. We receive your completion information from UB Learns, and this is entered into our official records. Our training liaisons will have access to our official records.
Your certificate is for external organizations who may require your completion.
To access Alternative Formats Select the Alternative Formats link below the video.
This will bring up the options to select multiple formats to review the training material.
Select the desired format and select Download.
Once you have completed the video and the quiz, you will receive a completion notification in your email. Please DO NOT email EDI with your email notification. We receive your completion information from UB Learns, and this is entered into our official records. Our training liaisons will have access to our official records.
After you have completed the training and the quiz, be sure to logout of UB Learns.
You can use UB Learns on mobile devices with the Brightspace Pulse app, available through Google Play® or the Apple App Store®. Requirements for mobile phones or tablets are available on the D2L Brightspace Pulse website.
The University at Buffalo strives to create accessible content for all. The University at Buffalo will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure individuals with disabilities have equal access to the training content. To request accommodations, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) by email at or by phone at 716-645-2266 for assistance.
I am having an issue navigating the new course:
If you would like an optional certificate but have difficulty creating one:
If you cannot access the video:
Departments and areas can schedule a live sexual harassment prevention training for their employees to provide an easy way to complete the training. Contact EDI to schedule a session.
If your department has arranged for a session already, your attendance at that session will fulfill the training requirement. Departments can submit a Live Session Attendance Sheet to EDI following the training.
Many people with UB appointments have taken training elsewhere. This training will count toward meeting UB's requirements if it meets guidelines established by the New York State Division of Human Rights.