CCR 10G Core Networking
Core networking for the Center was last updated in 2019 and 2020. The Center's internal Ethernet network infrastructure is centered on an Arista 7508e 10/40 Gigabit Ethernet core switch. It is an Enterprise class switch, with redundant supervisor engines. The switch has four 32 port 40Gigabit linecards. All ports on the switch can run at the full 40 Gigabit line speed.
Both storage systems are directly connected to this core Arista switch with 12 40Gigabit uplinks. Compute nodes are connected to either Dell 10GigE edge switches with 2 40Gigabit uplinks or Dell/Force10 1GigE edge switches with 2 10Gigabit uplinks to the Arista core.
CCR infrastructure diagram
The Center's clusters contain several high-performance low-latency Infiniband and OmniPath networks used for interconnecting some nodes within the clusters. See the academic cluster hardware page for more details and information on how to run on these particular networks.
UB & NYSERNET Networking
CCR's external connections to UB's backbone network were upgraded in 2020 to support 40/100GigE uplinks.
Through New York State's advanced research network (NYSERNet), CCR and UB have access to all major high speed communication networks commonly referred to as the Next Generation Internet. NYSERNet leverages commercial connectivity for its member institutions, provides dedicated access to dark fiber, and a host of other services.