
Exterior building view - proposed artist rendering wellness and recreation center.

Proposed artist rendering of the North Campus Wellness and Recreation Center.

“What’s next?” This is the question that drives us each day, as we strive to provide the new experiences, programs and resources that will meet the ever-changing needs of our diverse student body.

Major Initiatives

  • Student Union Renovations
    Student Life is currently in the midst of master plan enhancements to the North Campus Student Union.
  • Wellness and Recreation
    Student Life is currently in the planning phase of a comprehensive health and wellness facilities master plan, creating a unified approach to recreation, health and wellness. 
  • Social Justice Advisory Group
    Student Life is dedicated to both our students and the divisional staff. To that end we will create a team to advise on policy, practice, programs and traditions that promote/facilitate intercultural learning on different levels

Completed Initiatives