Before you share a UBCMS page to social media, consider how it will display on the platform. By using a compelling image and headline, you can help enhance the performance of your content on social.
Remember: any one of your pages could be shared in social media at any time by a user, so be sure to make an active decision on what will display. Work with your Unit Web Lead to make updates, as appropriate.
Follow the instructions below to update your social media image properties.
In the UBCMS, social media properties are established in the Social tab of the page Properties.
When UBCMS pages are shared to social media, the resulting post pulls the page's title, descriptive text plus an image. These will be pulled from the current page but can be set specially in the Properties Social tab. The image is defined by the 'Social image from' setting.
If the 'Social image from' setting is not defined for the current page, the social image is determined using the Selection Rules below. (Regular pages and Shared Content are treated slightly differently.)
The component opened for editing showing the Social tab and example details.
* Alt text is required by New York State policy for most images and is always required if the image has a link or if the zoom feature is enabled, otherwise a caption can serve instead. See for tips on writing alt text. A period and space are added to the end of any text that does not already end with punctuation (not visible in the dialog box) to increase clarity when a screen reader reads the page. Adding just blanks or a carriage return will be blocked.
Remember, users will often look at the image and headline before they read the post copy. Lead with a strong visual and frontload your headline when sharing a link to a UBCMS page. For tips on socializing your copy, see our Content Checklist.