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Upcoming Inclusive Excellence Events

2025 Inclusive Excellence Symposium: Charting a Path Forward for an Inclusive Future

Date: Friday, February 28, 9:00am - 3:00pm

Location: Center for the Arts, North Campus 

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 19

Intended Audience: UB Community 

Please join us on Friday, February 28 for the 2025 Inclusive Excellence Symposium: Charting a Path Forward for an Inclusive Future. At the University at Buffalo, we remain committed to exploring how we can contribute to building a better future for all, and we continue to celebrate the many programs and initiatives advancing inclusive excellence in our schools and colleges. 

The 2025 Inclusive Excellence Symposium will bring together faculty experts from across the University at Buffalo, as well as an outstanding keynote speaker, Professor Ruqaiijah Yearby, Kara J. Trott Professor in Health Law from Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. Complementing the keynote will be a morning panel on Challenges to DEI and Social Justice with Professor Athena D. Mutua from the UB School of Law and Professor LaGarrett King from the Department of Learning and Instruction in the UB Graduate School of Education. The afternoon panel on Strategies for an Inclusive Future will include remarks from Professor Henry-Louis Taylor, Jr. from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning in the UB School of Architecture and Planning and Professor Mishuana Goeman from the Department of Indigenous Studies in the UB College of Arts and Sciences.

We invite you to join us for a day of conversation, community and exploration of how together we can continue to build a better future for all.

Upcoming University Events

Rainbow Hour (Spring 2025)

Date & Time: Multiple dates and times, see more details below

Location: 240 Student Union, North Campus 

Intended Audience: Open event 

Join Counseling Services and the IDC on the second Thursday of the month to meet other members of UB's LGBTQ+ community, have some conversation, and enjoy fun activities. This is a drop-in meeting. No registration is required. There will be three Rainbow Hours this semester at the following times.

  • Thursday, February 13, 2025, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
  • Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
  • Thursday, April 10, 2025, 3:00pm - 4:30pm

For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar Link.  For questions, contact Counseling Services at 716-645-2720.

Sponsored by: UB Counseling Services and the Intercultural and Diversity Center (IDC).

Tough Topics: Black Queer History (2/17/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, February 17, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Have you heard about the contributions of queer changemakers in Black History? Who are the Black queer leaders that are seldom recognized in Black liberation movements? Join us in honoring the achievements of these unsung heroes. 

For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Haudenosaunee Social Dance Workshop (2/18/2025)

Date & Time: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 9:30am - 10:50am

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Social Room 

Intended Audience: Open Event

An introductory workshop on Haudenosaunee Social Dances as part of the IDS 103 Introduction to Haudenosaunee Languages and Culture class.

Register by sending an email to indigenous-studies@buffalo.edu.

Sponsored by: Indigenous@UB HUB, and the Department of Indigenous Studies

BLSA: Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future: A Black History Month Celebration and Networking Event (2/19/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Location: 509 O’Brian Hall,

Intended Audience: Law students, faculty, and staff

The law school community is invited to attend. Join us for our networking and panel event, a great opportunity to meet and hear from black voices in the law community. More information and registration is available here.

Speaker Name and Affiliation: Prof. Athena Mutua, School of Law; Donell L. Gibson, Jr. ’18, Lippes Mathias; Franz Wright ’14, Erie County District Attorney’s Office; Katherine McCarley ’20, National Fuel Gas; Hon. Kevin Carter ’89, NYS Unified Court System, 8th Judicial District; Kerisha Hawthorne-Greer ’14, NYS Court of Claims; Larry Waters ’17, Neighborhood Legal Services.

For more information, please contact Myah Meyerhoefer, myahmeye@buffalo.edu or vist the UB Calender Link.

Sponsored by: the Black Law Student Association

Black History Month: Movie Night- The Wiz (2/20/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location: Student Union Theater

Intended Audience: Open Event

Celebrate black history month with the IDC with movie night! Snacks and refreshments will be provided! 

When Harlem schoolteacher Dorothy tries to save her dog from a storm, she's miraculously whisked away to an urban fantasy land called Oz. Upon her arrival, Dorothy accidentally kills the Wicked Witch of the East. Dorothy is then told about the Wiz, a wizard who can help her return to Manhattan. As Dorothy searches for the Wiz, she's joined by the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Taste Thursday: The Black Experience: African Diaspora (2/20/205)

Date & Time: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join us bi-weekly for Taste Thursdays — where we provide a chance to learn from one another and understand the cultural differences and similarities through food. Each Taste Thursday has the goal of promoting inclusion and belonging as we highlight local culturally owned businesses and UB student organizations with the goal of celebrating some of the best cuisines that Buffalo has to offer. Come kickback, vibe and indulge in the culture in the IDC. Food provided by Yalleys. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

IDC Afterhours: Let’s play cards! (2/20/205)

Date & Time: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Stop by the IDC after hours for some music and light refreshments, as we celebrate a famous black past time, card games! Games include Spades, Uno, Phase 10 and more! For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Tough Topics: Banning Black History (2/24/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, February 24, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

How has Black History been censored in institutions of education throughout time? What ways can we help further the teaching of Black History in classrooms? Let’s talk about the social and cultural factors that influence the erasure of Black History in education. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Health Inequities Workshop Series: WORKSHOP 4 - Why is Research Not Being Translated into Improved Health Outcomes for People of Color? (2/24/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, February 24, 2025, 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Location: Zoom webinar

Intended Audience: Open Event

This workshop addresses the complex question of why decades of research have not translated into significant improvements in health outcomes for black communities and other communities of color. Since the 1985 release of the Heckler Report, “Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Black and Minority Health,” millions of dollars have been invested in understanding health disparities and inequities. This report was one of the first federal acknowledgments of the systemic inequities faced by people of color. Despite these investments, research and grant funding have become mainly industries unto themselves, with limited impact on the everyday health realities of marginalized communities.

This panel discussion aims to explore why this disconnect exists. Why hasn’t the extensive research led to the transformative health changes envisioned for people of color? Participants will explore systemic barriers and institutional shortcomings, as well as discuss opportunities for translating research into meaningful community action and policy changes.

For more information, contact: Catherine Sedota, cmp9@buffalo.edu or 716-822-0381 or to register visit this link.

Sponsored by: UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute Workforce Development Core. 

 Coffee Conversations: Good Mind (2/25/2025)

Date & Time: Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm 

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Social Room 

Intended Audience: UB students, faculty, and staff 

Our purpose is to establish an ongoing dialogical space on our campus where UB community members who focus on Indigenous issues can share ideas on various topics in an environment that values Indigenous knowledge.  

Hosted By: Aaron VanEvery, Cayuga Nation, Wolf Clan, Community Outreach Coordinator, Indigenous@UB HUB 

No registration required.

Sponsored by: Indigenous@UB Hub .

Climate Change and Gender in the Global South (2/26/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 26,2025, 3:00pm - 4:30pm 

Location: 509 O'Brian Hall

Intended Audience: Open Event 

Signature Lecture "Climate Change and Gender in the Global South" with Sarah Besky, Professor, Anthropology of Work, Department of Global Labor & Work in the ILR School and Director, South Asia Program, Einaudi Center for International Studies, Cornell University; Andrea Marston, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Rutgers University; Li Zhang, Assistant Professor, Departments of Anthropology & Sociology and Environmental Studies, Amherst College.

For more information please visit the UB Events Calendar

This workshop has been organized by: the UB Critical Ecologies Research Collaborative and the UB Gender Institute and co-sponsored by the Office of International Education and the Department of Geography.

Community Engagement Workshop Series: WORKSHOP 4 - Maintaining a Community Collaboration and Sustaining Partnerships (2/26/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 26,  2025, 4:00pm - 5:30 pm

Location: Zoom webinar

Intended Audience: Open Event

The best made plans for community engagement may fall flat depending on the specific community and how they want to be engaged. In this workshop, you will learn how to apply your community engagement plan and measure it over time so you can see what works and what needs to be changed to be successful. Real world examples are used centering on maintaining relationships in the community and giving each other flexibility to change and grow together in ways that may not have been originally planned. These examples will use tools and strategies learned in Community Engagement Workshops 1-3.

For more information, contact: Catherine Sedota, cmp9@buffalo.edu or 716-822-0381 or visit this link to register. 

Sponsored by: UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute Workforce Development Core. 

MED: Beyond the Knife 5th Annual Endowed Lecture with David Ansell, MD, MPH (2/27/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, February 27, 2025, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Location: 955 Main Street, M&T Lecture Hall

Intended Audience: Open Event 

The University at Buffalo Department of Surgery presents the 5th Annual Beyond the Knife Lecture in Social Justice and Health Equity.

Speaker: David Ansell, MD, MPH is the Michael E Kelly Presidential Professor of Internal Medicine and Senior Vice President/Associate Provost for Community Health Equity at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. His research and advocacy has been focused on eliminating health inequities. In 2011 he published a memoir of his times at County Hospital, County: Life, Death and Politics at Chicago’s Public Hospital. His latest book is The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills was published in 2017.

For more information, please contact Mike Lamb, mlamb2@buffalo.edu or visit this link to register. 

Sponsored by: University at Buffalo Department of Surgery.

Tough Topics: Intersectional Feminism (3/3/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, March 3, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Intersectional identities such as sexuality, disability, race, class, and nationality can compound the struggles of people fighting for gender equality. Who have historically been excluded from mainstream feminist movements? Let’s discuss the importance of intersectionality in feminism. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Digitizing Indigenous Histories with HARK, Part II (3/5/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 pm – 3:50 pm 

Location: 606 Clemens, HARK Lab 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join students from IDS 232 Indigenous Histories since 1872 as they contribute to the process of digitizing written Indigenous histories and creating metadata for the CMS Mukurtu. This is a 2-part series. 

Speakers: Mia McKie, Tuscarora Nation, Turtle Clan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies, Co-PI of Haudenosaunee Archive, Resources and Knowledge Portal (HARK) and Waylon Wilson, Tuscarora Nation, Deer Clan, Digital Archivist of Haudenosaunee Archive, Resources and Knowledge Portal (HARK) 

Register by sending an email to hark@buffalo.edu.

Sponsored by Haudenosaunee Archive Resource and Knowledge (HARK) Portal.

New Books, New Feminist Directions: The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance (3/6/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm 

Location: Zoom Webinar

Intended Audience: Open Event

New Books, New Feminist Directions with Mark Rifkin, Professor of Global Gender and Sexuality Studies, University at Buffalo, with commentary by Charlene A. Carruthers (she/her), a writer, filmmaker, community organizer, and Black Studies PhD Candidate at Northwestern University.

In Fall 2021, the Gender Institute established a book launch series called "New Books, New Feminist Directions" in which faculty can share and discuss their recent monographs with UB's Gender Institute community, as well as the wider virtual community. These hybrid events include a guest commentator who will discuss the significance of the book and its relevance for the field. This series highlights the superb feminist scholarship at UB, while also celebrating a colleague's achievement.

For more information, please contact Megan Vaughan at ub-irewg@buffalo.edu. To register, please visit the UB Calendar Link. 

Sponsored by: UB Gender Institute.

Taste Thursday: Caribbean Heat (3/6/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00pm - 6:00pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join us bi-weekly for Taste Thursdays — where we provide a chance to learn from one another and understand the cultural differences and similarities through food. Each Taste Thursday has the goal of promoting inclusion and belonging as we highlight local culturally owned businesses and UB student organizations with the goal of celebrating some of the best cuisines that Buffalo has to offer. This week we are highlighting the Caribbean community, food and culture. Join us and come get the experience. Food provided by La Casa Sabores. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Tough Topics: Taboos and Inequities in Health (3/10/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, March 10, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

People of marginalized genders such as women, transgender and nonbinary individuals experience many stigmas and inequities in health. Why does gender continue to be a barrier for people’s physical and mental health? Join us as we question the gaps in health outcomes among different genders. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center, in collaboration with Health Promotion.

Coffee Conversations: Haudenosaunee Identity (3/11/2025)

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Social Room 

Intended Audience: UB students, faculty, and staff 

Our purpose is to establish an ongoing dialogical space on our campus where UB community members who focus on Indigenous issues can share ideas on various topics in an environment that values Indigenous knowledge.  

Hosted By: Aaron VanEvery, Cayuga Nation, Wolf Clan, Community Outreach Coordinator, Indigenous@UB HUB 

No registration required.

Sponsored by: Indigenous@UB Hub .

 Indigenous Worlds Workshop Series: Academic Development Workshop (3/12/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, March 12, 2025,  1:00 pm – 2:30 pm 

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Food Sovereignty Kitchen 

Intended Audience: UB graduate students whose research focuses on Indigenous Studies

 IDS graduate student-led seminars featuring external Indigenous scholar guests to discuss their works and career trajectories.  

Reach out to leekl@buffalo.edu  for more informaiton. 

Sponsored by: Department of Indigenous Studies.

 Two Film Screenings of “Seed Stories” (3/13/2025)

Join us for a screening of Chitrangada Choudhury & Aniket Aga’s Seed Stories (42 minutes, 2024), followed by a discussion with the filmmakers in conversation with Dr. Samina Raja (UB Planning). 

1st Screening:                                                                                                                                                            Date & Time: Thursday, March 13, 2025,  12:30 pm – 1:50 pm                                                Location: Academic Center 170 (UB’s North Campus)                                                                            Intended Audience: UB students, faculty, and staff

No registration required for the afternoon screening.  

2nd Screening:                                                                                                                                                            Date & Time: Thursday, March 13, 2025,  6:30 pm – 8:30 pm                                                          Location: 2495 Main Street, Suite 310 Buffalo, NY 14214                                                                              Intended Audience: Public 

Registration required for the evening screening. For more information or to regsiter please visit this link

Sponsored by: UB Department of Geography, UB Asia Research Institute, UB Center for Global Health Equity, UB Department of Indigenous Studies, UB Food Lab, and UB Critical Ecologies Research Collaborative

UB Distinguished Speakers Series: Damar Hamlin (3/13/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, March 13, 2025, 7:00pm

Location: Center for the Arts - Mainstage Theatre, North Campus

Intended Audience: Open Event

The UB Distinguished Speakers Series has brought the UB and WNY communities together since 1987, offering unique opportunities to learn, grow, and connect. Each season, we bring thought leaders and trailblazers to our stage, sparking meaningful conversations and offering a broad range of perspectives and experiences. Event tickets are available starting at noon on Sept. 5.

For an even greater savings, consider purchasing a series subscription which includes one ticket to each of the four events. Subscribers receive the lowest available price and other exclusive benefits. Series Subscriptions are available starting at noon on Aug. 28.

More information about Series Subscriptions and the UB Distinguished Speakers Series can be found on the Speakers Series website.

Tough Topics: Social Media and Activism (3/24/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

In this age of digital technology, social media has become a widely used platform for activism. How does social media help or harm activist movements? Is social media always performative or ineffective? For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Indigenous Worlds Workshop Series: Navigating Fellowships and Grants (3/26/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Food Sovereignty Kitchen 

Intended Audience: UB graduate students whose research focuses on Indigenous Studies 

Professional development workshop to demystify the funding and grantmaking process and their role in both building research projects.

Speakers: Meredith Palmer (Six Nations Tuscarora), Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies and Department of Geography; Kevin Lee (Chamoru), Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies 

Sponsored by: Department of Indigenous Studies.

Feminist Research Alliance: Cultivating the Affects of Place: Teaiwa's Canoe in the Oceanic Classroom (3/27/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm 

Location: Zoom Webinar 

Intended Audience: Open Event 

Feminist Research Alliance with Kevin Lujan Lee (Chamoru), Assistant Professor of Indigenous Studies, University at Buffalo and Josh Campbell, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, UCLA. 

Founded in 2010, the Feminist Research Alliance Workshop advances and energizes interdisciplinary conversation and collaboration among feminist scholars locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. At our convivial meetings, faculty, graduate students, and visiting scholars present and discuss research-in-progress. A fertile space for idea-incubation, the workshop also is community-building, enabling students and faculty to network with potential committee members, mentors, and colleagues beyond the boundaries of their home departments. All events are free and open to the public.

For more information or to register, please visit this link

Sponsored by: UB Gender Institute

Taste Thursday: Sazón Dominicano (3/27/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 2025, 4:00pm - 6:00pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join us bi-weekly for Taste Thursdays — where we provide a chance to learn from one another and understand the cultural differences and similarities through food. Each Taste Thursday has the goal of promoting inclusion and belonging as we highlight local culturally owned businesses and UB student organizations with the goal of celebrating some of the best cuisines that Buffalo has to offer. This week we are highlighting the Dominican community, Food and Culture. Join us and come get the experience. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Transgender Day of Visibility (3/31/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, March 31, 2025, 10:00am - 3:00pm 

Location: Lobby, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join us as we highlight and celebrate the existence and contributions of Trans-people, a historically marginalized group that has heavily contributed to the diversification of society.  

Students can visit the Intercultural and Diversity Center for Trans-Pride Swag and additional information on local LGBTQ+ resources. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Tough Topics: Queerness and Neurodivergence (3/31/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, March 31, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

April is Autism Awareness month and a time we celebrate Pride in UB. Join our discussion on the intersectional experiences of queer neurodivergent people. Together, we can broaden our ideas about “queerness” as it relates to our abilities and gender. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

AAPI Heritage Month Dessert Hour (4/4/2025)

Date & Time: Friday, April 4, 2025, 3:00pm - 5:00 pm

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join us in the IDC as we enjoy tasty treats inspired by AAPI culture! Stop by and learn about influential AAPI figures and historical events that shaped history. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

 The 15th Storytellers Conference: Storytelling through Art, Language and Action (4/5/2025)

Date & Time: Saturday, April 5, 2025, 8:30 am – 8:00 pm 

Location: Niagara Falls Convention Center, Niagara Falls, NY 

Intended Audience: Public 

The 2025 Storytellers Conference highlights research and educational initiatives that relate Indigenous knowledge, histories, and experiences through artistic and literary practices, and through language-based and action-oriented approaches. We are interested in submissions that foreground the creative production of more accurate and meaningful narratives about Indigenous lives, responsibilities, and relations. We hope you will join us as we gather to learn about each other’s work. We welcome submissions on projects large and small as we come together in unity to support our collective commitment to our people. 

Keynote Address: Jolene Rickard (Tuscarora, Turtle Clan), Artist and Associate Professor of Art History and Visual Studies, Cornell University 

John Mohawk Legacy Address: UB Haudenosaunee Archive, Resource and Knowledge (H.A.R.K.) Team 

Registration information is forthcoming; please contact indigenous-studies@buffalo.edu for updates.

Sponsored by: Indigenous@UB Hub and the Department of Indigenous Studies.

Tough Topics: Combatting Pinkwashing (4/7/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, April 7, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

How has LGBTQ+ culture been appropriated by companies and political bodies that harm queer communities? What is the difference between Pinkwashing and genuine queer allyship and activism? Let’s talk about what true pride is really about. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

IDC Pride Afterhours: Paint & Sip (Poster Making) (4/7/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, April 7, 2025, 7:00pm - 9:00pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Unleash your inner artist in the spirit of pride. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a beginner.

Light refreshments, snacks, and painting supplies will be provided. Grab a friend and come on down. Supplies are limited. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Pride March (4/8/2025)

Date & Time: Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 2:45pm - 3:30pm 

Location: Capen Hall, North Campus 

Intended Audience: Open Event

March to celebrate your identity, support your peers, and honor the history of LGBTQ+ activists who paved the way for the community today.   

  • 2:45 – 3:00 (Lineup) March leaves from Capen Hall through the Academic spine and around the student unions leading into progressive pathways.

The mixer will immediately follow the march in the progress pride pathways. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Pride Carnival Mixer (4/8/2025)

Date & Time: Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 3:30pm - 5:30pm 

Location: Student Union Courtyard/Progress Pride Pathways, North Campus 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join our Annual Pride celebration as we journey to the Pride Carnival, which includes a live DJ and performances from some of WNY's best local talent. Complete with refreshments, vendors, tabling, and activities! For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link.

*In case of inclement weather, the mixer will be moved to Student Union 145 A - E*

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Indigenous Worlds Workshop Series: Academic Networking at Conferences and Beyond (4/9/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Food Sovereignty Kitchen

Intended Audience: Open Event

Professional development workshop to address some of the fundamentals of navigating academic publics, and the range of conferences, professional associations, workshops, and other academic groups that constitute them.

Speakers: Mishuana Goeman (Tonawanda Band of Seneca), Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies; Meredith Palmer (Six Nations Tuscarora), Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies and Department of Geography; Shannon Seneca (Six Nations Mohawk), Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies 

Reach out to leekl@buffalo.edu for more information.

Sponsored by: Department of Indigenous Studies

Pride Gala: Keynote + Panel (4/9/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 7:00pm - 9:00pm 

Location: Center for the Arts Atrium, North Campus 

Intended Audience: Open Event

 A Gala that marries red carpet glamour, Queer visibility, and education, with a red carpet and Keynote plus panel discussion, seeking to answer the question: Where did we come from, and where are we going?

This event includes a showcase of queer talent, as well as plated dinner, and requires an RSVP by March 15, 2025. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link.

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Queer Prom (4/11/2025)

Date & Time: Friday, April 11, 2025, 7:30pm - 11:30pm 

Location: Center for the Arts-Atrium, North Campus 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Queer Prom concludes UB Pride Week 2025! Dance the night away with food and refreshments in your fanciest outfits. Featuring a live DJ and a photographer to capture your prom photos. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link.

*Photos will only be taken during the first two hours of the event. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Tough Topics: The LGBTQ+ Community and Climate Change (4/14/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, April 14, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

As we celebrate World Earth Day, we reflect on communities that are most vulnerable to the climate crisis. How are queer liberation and environmental movements connected? Join this discussion on the intersection of social justice and climate justice. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

 Social Dance Workshop (4/15/2025)

Date & Time: Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm 

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Social Room 

Intended Audience: UB students 

Teaching Social Dances, meanings and protocols.

Speaker: Aaron VanEvery, Cayuga Nation, Wolf Clan, Community Outreach Coordinator, Indigenous@UB HUB 

Register by sending an email to indigenous-studies@buffalo.edu.

Sponsored by: Indigenous@UB Hub.  

Indigenous Worlds Workshop Series: Academic Development Workshop (4/16/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, April 16, 2025, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Social Room 

Intended Audience: UB graduate students whose research focuses on Indigenous Studies

IDS graduate student-led seminars featuring external Indigenous scholar guests to discuss their works and career trajectories.  

Reach out to leekl@buffalo.edu for more information. 

Sponsored by: Department of Indigenous Studies.

Taste Thursday: Thai Temptations (4/17/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, April 17, 2025, 4:00pm - 6:00pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Join us bi-weekly for Taste Thursdays — where we provide a chance to learn from one another and understand the cultural differences and similarities through food. Each Taste Thursday has the goal of promoting inclusion and belonging as we highlight local culturally owned businesses and UB student organizations with the goal of celebrating some of the best cuisines that Buffalo has to offer. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

This week we are highlighting the Thai community, Food and Culture. Join us and come get the experience. Food provided by Roma Thai.

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Tough Topics: Xenophobia: The Feat of the “Other” (4/21/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, April 21, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Arab, Asian, and other communities with international backgrounds continue to face discrimination for being “un-American”. Why are people so afraid of foreign cultures? How can we be more accepting of people from cultures different from our own? For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

Coffee Conversations: Thanksgiving Address (4/22/2025)

Date & Time: Tuesday, April 22, 2025,  12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 

Location:  Clemens 6th Floor, Social Room 

Intended Audience: UB students, faculty, and staff 

Our purpose is to establish an ongoing dialogical space on our campus where UB community members who focus on Indigenous issues can share ideas on various topics in an environment that values Indigenous knowledge.  

Speaker: Aaron VanEvery, Cayuga Nation, Wolf Clan, Community Outreach Coordinator, Indigenous@UB HUB 

No registration required.

Sponsored by: Indigenous@UB Hub.

Indigenous Worlds Workshop Series: Building and Framing Academic Portfolios and Records (4/23/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 

Location: Clemens 6th Floor, Food Sovereignty Kitchen 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Professional development workshop to collectively review our CVs, discuss how we might frame the trickier parts of being an academic with relational accountabilities to Indigenous place—both within and beyond our own home nations. 

Speakers: Mishuana Goeman (Tonawanda Band of Seneca), Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies; Kevin Lee (Chamoru), Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies 

Reach out to leekl@buffalo.edu for more information. 

Sponsored by: Department of Indigenous Studies.

Tough Topics: Being Asian and Queer (4/28/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, April 28, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Queer POC have always faced challenges in navigating their gender and sexuality within their communities. How do Asian communities celebrate or repress queerness? How do we reconcile our culture with our LGBTQ+ identities? For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center, in collaboration with Asia Research Institute.

AAPI Heritage Month Mixer (4/30/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 3:00pm - 5:00pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Kick off Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with our monthly mixer. This event aims to connect students, faculty, and staff across campus. We will celebrate AAPI Month through cultural music, food, and fun activities. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

AAPI Movie Night: Ponyo (5/1/2025)

Date & Time: Thursday, May 1, 2025, 7:00pm - 9:00pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Celebrate black history month with the IDC with movie night! Snacks and refreshments will be provided! 

About Ponyo: During a forbidden excursion to see the surface world, a goldfish princess encounters a human boy named Sosuke, who gives her the name Ponyo. Ponyo longs to become human, and as her friendship with Sosuke grows, she becomes more humanlike. Ponyo's father brings her back to their ocean kingdom, but so strong is Ponyo's wish to live on the surface that she breaks free, and in the process, spills a collection of magical elixirs that endanger Sosuke's village. For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link. 

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center.

 Social Dance Workshop (5/2/2025)

Date & Time: Friday, May 2, 2025, 11:00 am – 11:50 am 

Location: Clemens Hall 6th Floor, Social Room 

Intended Audience: Open Event

 Join the IDS 101: Intro to Indigenous Studies as we teach Social Dances, meanings and protocols.

Speaker: Aaron VanEvery, Cayuga Nation, Wolf Clan, Community Outreach Coordinator, Indigenous@UB HUB.

Register by sending an email to indigenous-studies@buffalo.edu.

Sponsored by: Indigenous@UB Hub.

 Indigenous Student Graduation Social (5/3/2025)

Date & Time: Saturday, May 3, 2025, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm 

Location: Harriman Hall Ballroom, South Campus 

Intended Audience: Public

Come celebrate our graduates while enjoying some food and social dancing. No registration required.

Sponsored by: Department of Indigenous Studies and Indigenous@UB Hub .

Gail Paradise Kelly Memorial Endowed Lecture (5/2/2025)

Date & Time: Friday, May 2, 2025, 3:30pm

Location: Buffalo Room, Capen 10

Intended Audience: Open Event 

Lecturer: Dr. Ayesha Khurshid, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Florida State University

Title: Education, Gender, and Muslim Womanhood: Ethnographies of a Punjabi Muslim Community from Pakistan and a Maya Muslim Community from Mexico

Muslim womanhood continues to be an ideological battleground for different political, social, and religious movements not only in Muslim countries but also in different Western contexts. The educational level of Muslim women is often mobilized as a measure to determine the “progress” of Muslim communities. This presentation examines how Muslim women from two different geographical, national, and cultural sites, a rural Punjabi Muslim community in Pakistan and an Indigenous Maya Muslim community in Mexico, make sense of and perform what it means to be educated Muslim women in their specific contexts. Though focusing on lived experiences, it highlights how the hybridity of the cultural and Islamic identities of these two groups of women, as well as their connections with their environment, shape the nature, value, and relevance of education for them. This presentation invites educational scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to explore the conceptual and methodological approaches, especially decolonizing methodologies, needed to engage with the multidimensional and context-specific identities of people who often become subjects of national and international educational reforms. 

To register, please click here

Sponsored by: the Graduate School of Education and the Department of Global Gender and Sexuality Studies.

Tough Topics: Intergenerational Trauma in the AAPIDA (5/5/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, May 5, 2025, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Mental health is a taboo topic for AAPIDA communities, especially as generational trauma persists in many families. How can we de-stigmatize mental health struggles rooted in our culture and histories? Join us in this discussion on intergenerational trauma.

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center, in collaboration with Counseling Services.

IDC After Hours: Study Sessions (5/5/2025 - 5/9/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, May 5, 2025, 5:00pm - 10:00pm 

Location: Room 240, Student Union 

Intended Audience: Open Event

Let's connect with one another as we finish this spring semester strong. These study spaces are designed to provide safe, community spaces, with lots of snacks for you to study. So, grab your squad and join us for our end of semester study sessions! For more information or to register, please visit the UB Calendar link.

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center

Intercultural and Diversity Center Events

The Intercultural and Diversity Center (IDC) is committed to supporting all students on campus. By focusing on personal identity, advocacy and other critical issues that are facing society today, the IDC helps students broaden their perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of our ever-changing world. To find out more about their upcoming events, visit the IDC Events Calendar.

Sponsored by: Intercultural and Diversity Center

IDC Events

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Upcoming Community Partner Events

Native American Cultural Competency (3/17/2025)

Date & Time: Monday, March 17, 2025, 9:30am - 4:30pm

Location: 1005 Grant Street, Buffalo, NY 14207

Intended Audience: Open Event 

Training sessions will include a screening of two very powerful documentaries on historical traumasimpacting Indigenous peoples. On Monday, March 17, we will show the “Doctrine of Discovery” documentary which provides an Indigenous perspective of world and US history. On Wednesday, March 26, we will show the “Unseen Tears” about residential boarding schools. Both documentaries provide very impactful,stark examples of trauma, violence, and loss of life. Understanding how these traumas continue to impact Native peoples can help us all develop more effective methods, approaches, and programsto support Native health and wellbeing. Self-care and debriefing activities will be held in both sessions.

For more information, please contact Pete Hill at phill@nacswny.org or 716-574-8981. Please register by March 12, by visiting this link

Sponsored by: NACS' Indigenious Health and Wellbeing Promotion (IHAWP) Program which is funded by the New York State Department of Health/AIDS Institute.

Native American Cultural Competency (3/26/2025)

Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 9:30am - 4:30pm

Location: Zoom Webinar 

Intended Audience: Open Event 

Both training sessions will include a screening of two very powerful documentaries on historical traumasimpacting Indigenous peoples. On Monday, March 17, we will show the “Doctrine of Discovery” documentary which provides an Indigenous perspective of world and US history. On Wednesday, March 26, we will show the “Unseen Tears” about residential boarding schools. Both documentaries provide very impactful,stark examples of trauma, violence, and loss of life. Understanding how these traumas continue to impact Native peoples can help us all develop more effective methods, approaches, and programsto support Native health and wellbeing. Self-care and debriefing activities will be held in both sessions.

For more information, please contact Pete Hill at phill@nacswny.org or 716-574-8981. Please register by March 21 by visiting this link. 

Sponsored by: NACS' Indigenious Health and Wellbeing Promotion (IHAWP) Program which is funded by the New York State Department of Health/AIDS Institute.

Ongoing Events

Documenting the UB Community Experience during COVID-19 Pandemic

Date & Time: Submit anytime

Intended Audience: UB Students, Faculty and Staff

The University Archives is launching a project to encourage students, faculty and staff to document their personal experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak and contribute them to the University Archives. Students have been impacted by great change to their learning environments, living situations, employment, and social connections. Faculty have adapted the ways in which they deliver course materials and interact with students. Staff have adjusted to changes in their work environments, both at home and on campus, all while coping with momentous change in daily routines, family life, and personal health and safety. By collecting and preserving these perspectives the University Archives supports the research mission of the university, allowing future students, researchers, and scholars to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, an undoubtedly transformative event in the history of student life and the academic experience at UB. Visit University Archives webpage for more information.

Sponsored by: University Libraries

Recently Recorded Inclusive Excellence Events

Diversifying UB's Faculty: A Workshop Series with Dr. Anne Etgen

These workshops were led by Dr. Anne Etgen, Professor Emerita in the Department of Neuroscience at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and nationally recognized expert in recruiting and retaining diverse faculty. We encourage this resource for all Department Chairs and faculty who plan to serve on search committees. Below are descriptions of the three workshops. Click here to view them on UB Edge.

Sponsored by: the Office of Inclusive Excellence