Settlement site in Uganda, 2016
Continued conflict in South Sudan has forced over 1,291,294 people to seek refuge in neighboring countries. Uganda, known for its progressive refugee laws, hosts a majority of the refugees from South Sudan, providing refugees and asylum seekers with right to work, freedom of movement, and access to social services. The protracted nature of conflict and the scarcity of resources in settlements necessitates study on land use, settlement planning, and shelter design. The current work focuses on finding innovative methods to build durable shelters, hydrological study, technical support for iron removal, sanitation in flood-prone areas, land-use and site planning strategies, and WaSH Behavior Change Research in the Adjumani settlement of Uganda.
Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Ryan Frederiks
Graduate Student
Department of Geology
Founding Co-Lead, Community for Global Health Equity; Professor and Chair
Department of Architecture
Phone: 716-575-2874