Ms. Susan D. Bentley-Camizzi is a wonderful example of how the UBEOC helps provide a foundation for further education and life success.
“EOC provided me assistance and support through-out my entire career."
Ms. Camizzi is the embodiment of what the Distinguished Alumni Award is about: professional achievement, distinguished service, and commitment to the values of the University at Buffalo EOC.
Susan graduated from the UBEOC Dental Assisting Program in 1975, after which she entered the Dental Hygiene Program at SUNY Farmingdale where she excelled both academically and professionally. While at Farmingdale, she was the Dental Hygiene Class President and Liaison to the Long Island Dental Hygiene Association. In 1980, Ms. Camizzi received a bachelor of science degree in Dental Hygiene Education from Columbia University.
Ms. Camizzi began her teaching career at the UBEOC in 1983 and continues to teach in the Dental Assisting Department and serves as Program Coordinator. Through the support of the UBEOC, Ms. Camizzi returned to Buffalo State College and earned a master’s degree in Vocational Technical Education. She serves as the Second District Trustee for the American Dental Assistants Association and is past President and Legislative Co-Chairperson for the New York Dental Assistants Association.
Ms. Camizzi credits the UBEOC for providing her assistance and support throughout her entire career. The UBEOC credits Ms. Camizzi for her leadership and tireless efforts in ensuring that the Dental Assisting program remains relevant and state-of-the-art, as well as transitioning the program to our new building and co-leading collaborative efforts with the UB Dental School.
Alumni Affairs and Student Development Office