Ms. Kareema Washington’s realization of success embodies the principles of the Buffalo Educational Opportunity Center (BEOC). Noting she “needed guidance” when enrolled as a young mother, Ms. Washington says BEOC instilled in her a sense of confidence that motivated her to achieve.
"I found my voice at the BEOC."
After earning her General Equivalency Diploma from BEOC, Kareema earned an Associates of Science in Substance Abuse/Social Science from SUNY Erie College (formerly Erie Community College) and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University at Buffalo. Currently she is pursuing a Master’s in Divinity at Liberty University.
Ms. Washington’s career pursuits align with her community commitment and personal aspirations. Earning her CASAC credential (Credential in Alcohol Substance Abuse Counselor) from the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Support (OASAS), Ms. Washington taught courses at the Northland Workforce Training Center as a Success Coach. Her present title is Head Substance Abuse Counselor at the Recovery Center of Niagara in Newfane, NY. In this capacity, Kareema facilitates mental health and substance abuse support services to community members of all ages. In addition to this role, Ms. Washington provides diversity and cultural training to over sixty-five medical and clinical staff at the Recovery Center of Niagara, addressing what she calls “biases to support the whole person.”
Kareema’s social service is also very impressive. As a Buffalo Urban League Vendor, she coaches area youth by responding to calls requesting support and guidance pertinent to parenting and life management issues. In the non-profit organization she established, Voices of Vision, she assists single parents by providing referrals to local resources including housing, workforce training and other family needs.
Ms. Kareema Washington’s personal and professional persona, deserving of the 2023 Buffalo Educational Opportunity Center Distinguished Alumni Award, is summed up in her own words… “My whole life is giving back to my community. I know firsthand what it means to lack and be the underdog, but I also know firsthand what it means to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself.”
Alumni Affairs and Student Development Office