Ms. Charmaine Leonard struggled raising three children as a single parent on Social Services. She had just received her High School Equivalency from UBEOC when she fell ill and then battled a debilitating disease for over a decade. In 2008, upon regaining her health, she returned to UBEOC uncertain about her future. She returned, she says, because “EOC was a welcoming place where I could find my self-esteem.”
“EOC helped me find my self-esteem. I feel a part of society now.”
Graduating in 2009 from the Registered Medical Assistant program, Ms. Leonard accepted a Nurse’s Aide position at Sisters of Charity Hospital and a part-time drug screening position at Quest Laboratories. In 2012, she accepted another Nurse’s Aide position at the Buffalo Veterans Hospital (VA) and worked there and at Sisters. Ms. Leonard notes, “Juggling two jobs with family responsibility just strengthened my resolve to build my career, especially after having to be out of the job market for so long. UBEOC faculty and staff were my foundation”.
Her determination paid off when in 2013 she was offered a Registered Medical Assistant position in the VA Pulmonary Sleep Department. In 2014, she not only balanced two jobs again, but she worked back-up for the Cardiology Department. In the same year, Ms. Leonard was given a promotion to the position of Head Administrator for the Chief of Cardiology, where she continues to work. In this capacity, she performs administrative and clinical duties for the chief, 15 attending physicians, 10 student fellows, 4 nurse practitioners, 2 physican assistants and assists in the Catheterization Lab, Echo-Cardiogram Clinic, Pacemaker/EKG Clinic, and Stress Lab.
Looking back at her personal and career journey, Ms. Leonard states; “My lights and gas used to get turned off, now I take cruises. I used to catch a bus, now I drive a 2016 truck. EOC helped me find my footing. I earned my success and I continue to professionally grow. I feel a part of society now.”
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