Ecorestoration: THE Global SDG Challenge

Miyowaki Forest.

Help refresh everyone's insight, wisdom and appreciation for how nature works by empowering young people to grow and show the world they dream to live in.

Project context

Climate change and ecosystem degradation have become top priorities for action and innovation among youth. They're ready to learn through experiences – especially on how restoring biodiverse ecosystems represents unparalleled opportunities to:

  • regulate climate; 
  • reduce flooding, drought, and wildfires; 
  • improve water and air quality; 
  • preserve the beauty of nature; and 
  • advance the health of humans and endangered species.

Cost-effective and accessible solutions for growing regenerative life systems use holistic and diverse methodologies rooted in an alliance's consensus gained from investigating many successful projects. Experiential learning projects can then be morphed to integrate respectively with their social, cultural, economic and ecological circumstances. Proven ecorestoration solutions range from food and medicinal forests to Miyawaki forests, from innovations for cooling and cleaning land and water to accelerating the rewilding of species, regenerative agriculture and aquaculture. The limitless opportunities spark innovation, creativity, and socio-economic development.

The EcoRestoration Alliance is a global community of hundreds of experts and organizations restoring healthy biodiverse ecosystems as a holistic response to the urgent crises of climate and biodiversity. Our methods are working, but we cannot do it alone. Young people are the scientists and innovators of the future. They are critical partners to support, share, and amplify ecorestoration. We believe that Experiential Learning is essential for pollinating the power of ecorestoration. Degrees are no longer enough. Students seek opportunities to get close to solutions, get inspired and learn through doing, researching, experimenting and planting. Let's learn how to grow the world we require and desire together while absorbing hope, knowledge and wisdom through memorable educational experiences.

Together we can restore the planet's climate by restoring the biosphere.

Project opportunities

Students will be matched with ERA member organizations, and projects will be customized based on student skills and interests. Projects will be co-developed through consultation with partners and may focus on:

  • Data visualization and GIS mapping
  • Development of educational and curriculum materials
  • Creation of models, demonstration projects, and educational tools
  • Experimentation and proposal development
  • Modeling and computer simulation
  • Direct implementation of Ecorestoration methodologies or experimentation 
  • Boosting successful Ecorestoration projects through fundraising, social media campaigns or artistic means
  • Other ideas to be proposed by ERA membership

Project details

Timing, eligibility and other details
Length of commitment Variable
Start time Fall, Spring, Summer
Level of collaboration Variable
Benefits Digital Badge
Who is eligible Students of all backgrounds and majors invited to apply

Core partners

Project mentor

Mara Huber

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Research and Experiential Learning; Director, Experiential Learning Network

127 Capen Hall

Phone: (716) 829-2834


SUNY SDG Project Challenge

This project is for students interested in the SUNY SDG Project Challenge.

Express Interest

  1. Email ELN with letter of interest at to express your interest and get approval to work on the project. (Here are helpful tips on how to send this email)
  2. After you send your email expressing your interest, click the button to schedule a meeting to discuss the project. (Please be sure to include your letter of interest when scheduling the event)


UNSDG, ELN, SUNY, Project Challenge, IITG