Dig: A History Podcast

Dig: A History Podcast Logo.

Dig is an award-winning collaborative history podcast created by History doctoral students and early career faculty.

Dig strives to bring the best and most important conversations happening among history scholars to the broadest possible audience. Episodes are released every other month, in four-episode series and include complete bibliographies and transcriptions. Dig is accessible on any podcast platform (Apple podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, etc.) and at the website, digpodcast.org. There is also a page for Educators, with some suggested assignments and resources for teachers who want to use the episodes.

Dig has produced several episodes on Buffalo's  history, but they also strive to put out content on diverse subjects, with a catalog of episodes on such topics such as “Women of Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising,” “Masculinity, Magic & the Meaning of Impotence in Patriarchal Societies of the Past”, “Slave Codes, Black Codes, and Jim Crow,”  and “Puritan Sex: The Surprising History of Puritans and Sexual Practices.


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Founded and produced by:
Sarah Handley-CousinsAverill Earls, Marissa Rhodes, and Elizabeth Garner Masarik.