Collaborate with new colleagues from across disciplines and experiment with innovative pedagogy, educational technology, space design and more at our faculty-focused events.

On this page:

Current Opportunities

In support of our programmatic and regular services, CATT also organizes supplementary events based on interest and demand from our key constituents and partners.   

AI at UB Forums

Hosted by UB Information Technology (UBIT) and in collaboration with CATT, these forums are an opportunity to hear the latest updates on AI research and integration of generative AI in UB's classrooms, and engage in conversations on these topics with colleagues.

  • UB Learns Training Sessions: Fall 2024
    The Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation is hosting a series of virtual training sessions to assist instructors as they familiarize themselves with UB Learns ahead of the Fall 2024 semester.
  • Teaching Institute: Collaboration Sessions
    Are you interested in collaborating with our learning designers on a project for your course? The CATT teaching transformation team can help to facilitate the collaborative process with you and your colleagues to bring your ideas to develop your ideas.
AI + Education Learning Community Series (UB Graduate School of Education)

This series is intended to foster collaborative learning, identify synergies across disciplines, reflect on how AI technologies can intersect with, inform, and amplify our work, and catalyze initiatives that align with the funding priorities of federal agencies like NSF and IES. K12 and higher education professionals are encouraged to attend.

Ongoing Initiatives

  • AI Seed Funds: Request for Proposals
    The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs is dedicating $50,000 to be used for seed funds to enable faculty across the campus to integrate generative AI into course and curricular redesign. Funding will be capped at $5,000 per project.
  • EDJI Faculty Fellows Program
    The EDJI Faculty Fellows Program was developed to enhance the implementation of the university’s PACOR recommendations related to curriculum and instruction. Faculty fellows are supported in the areas of inclusive pedagogy, universal design, assessment, change management, and academic leadership through professional development opportunities and community of practice.
  • Center for Program Evaluation, Student Learning Assessment and Accreditation Consulting
    The Center for Program Evaluation, Student Learning Assessment and Accreditation Consulting provides research support to UB researchers and accreditation and assessment support for both UB and external higher education professionals.

Professional Development

Teaching Institute: Workshops and Training Opportunities

The Teaching Institute through the Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation provides opportunities for enhancing your skills as an instructor through timely workshops and training sessions. 

Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice hosted by CATT are great opportunities for you to share your best practices, tips and tricks which help create new knowledge to advance teaching pedagogy and create inclusive learning environments for all. 

Assessment Consultations

Do you need assistance with course or program assessments? Request a consultation with CATT today.

Peer Observation and Shadowing Program

This program focuses on two aspects of Peer-to-Peer support of teaching: Teaching Observations and Peer Shadowing. 

Institutional Memberships

Institutional Memberships

CATT sponsors and promotes institutional memberships that are available to all UB faculty and staff. These memberships are therefore free of charge as this service is here for your benefit.

Our Partners in Faculty Development

UB Libraries

As a dynamic center of learning and research, UB Libraries are the heart of the university, providing a rich academic environment that is supportive and respectful of all points of view.

UBIT Resources for Faculty

UB Information Technology (UBIT) offers a variety of resources which provide technology support to faculty. In addition, UBIT offers several support channels for answers that cannot be found on their website.