Advisory Board

The CATT Advisory Board is comprised of faculty and key staff members of the University who represent related councils and/or have expertise related to the functions of our office. 

Advisory Board Structure

Advisory Board Role

The CATT advisory board offers guidance relative to our office mission and corresponding operations across all teams.

Membership also includes representation from...

Institutional Assessment Council

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Institutional Learning Outcomes Assessment Group
University Survey Group



UB Course Evaluations Advisory Group

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Advisory Board Members

Claire Schen
CATT Advisory Board Chair

Associate Professor
Department of History

Carol Van Zile-Tamsen
De Facto Advisory Board Member

Associate Vice Provost and Director
Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation

Christine Human
Advisory Board Member - Institutional Assessment Council

Associate Dean for Accreditation and Student Affairs
Department of Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering

James Jensen
Advisory Board Member

Department of Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering

Kristen Coakley Ashare
Advisory Board Member

Director of CIRTL and Office of Postdoctoral Scholars
Office of Postdoctoral Scholars

Tilman Baumstark
Advisory Board Member

Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Office of Faculty Affairs

Jay Stockslader
Advisory Board Member

Director of Online Learning and Continuing Education
CAS Administrative Operations

Dr. Loralee Sessanna
Advisory Board Member

Clinical Professor and Division Chair for Clinical Faculty
School of Nursing

Jessica Kruger
Advisory Board Member

Director, Teaching Innovation and Excellence
School of Public Health and Health Professions

Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Community Health & Health Behavior

Staff Contacts

  • Image of Cathleen Morreale.

    Cathleen Morreale

    Assistant Vice Provost

    Educational Effectiveness & Learning Analytics

  • Daniel Kelly.

    Daniel Kelly


    Instructional Innovation