
Readers share their thoughts

Amplified Pride

I am proud to be a UB alumna, and to read stories like this [“An American Hero,” Spring 2018] makes me even prouder. I encourage others to share this story widely, especially with young women who may not think they have knowledge or skill in math and science. A wonderful story and a wonderful life!

Sonya M. Sconiers (BS ’83)
Washington, D.C.

The Ripple Effect of Research

Thank you for the story “In a Heartbeat” [Spring 2018]. In addition to being an alumna and former Spectrum writer, I am the mother of a pediatric pacer patient. His first surgery was at 3; his second was at 10. While he is doing well, we are aware of the 10-year surgery cycle. That’s daunting for a young man who may face seven to 10 pacer surgeries in his life. He is otherwise quite healthy. He aspires to be a pediatric cardiologist. In that way, this research may change not only my son’s life, but those of all his future patients as well.  

Lara K.W. Green (BA ’90)
Virginia Beach, Va.

Lara Green and her son at their local Heart Walk, 2014.

Lara Green and her son at their local Heart Walk, 2014.

Your Wish Is Our Command

In June, UB’s director of capital planning received the following letter:

I recently read about the new plans for the South Campus [“A Sense of Place,” Spring 2018]. My wife and I both graduated from UB in 1984. On the first day of classes I went to visit a friend I made at orientation who lived in Pritchard Hall. She introduced me to her floormates. I met Amy that day and we became friends. Fast forward 34 years: We’re married with three kids and three grandchildren. All that started in Pritchard Hall. So I read with some sadness that Pritchard Hall is now scheduled for demolition. As you can imagine, it has special memories for me and my wife. I do not know when the demolition is planned but if there is any way we could get a small memento from the building, perhaps a brick, I think it would be a really nice remembrance of our time at UB. Please let me know if there is any way this might be able to happen.

Howard Ressel (BS ’84)
Rochester, N.Y.

P.S. I plan on surprising my wife with this if I can get something.

Fast forward three months:

Howard Ressel (BS ’84) and his wife Amy holding a brick from Pritchard Hall.

From the Editor’s Desk

Solid Gold

At Buffalo mug.

We’re happy to announce that At Buffalo has won two major awards this year: a Gold Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in the category of Special Issues [The Food Issue, Summer 2017] as well as an Award of Commendation from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). This makes five national awards for At Buffalo in as many years of publication. The magazine has also won an Award of Excellence from the University & College Designers Association [“The Science of Addiction,” Fall 2016], a CASE Gold Award for Photography [“Future Imperfect,” Winter 2016] and a 2017 Bronze Anvil Award for Excellence in Magazines from PRSA.

We want to hear from you!

Send letters and comments to Editor with the subject heading “Letters.” Or mail to Editor, At Buffalo, 330 Crofts Hall, Buffalo, N.Y. 14260. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include a daytime phone number for verification.