Transit Advertising

Interior of a UB Stampede bus with advertising rails above the seats.

University departments, student groups and affiliated organizations can purchase advertising (ad) space on or inside the UB Stampede buses and shelters as a highly effective marketing and branding opportunity. 

Corporations or outside businesses can add transit advertising to their UB partnership packages to get their message out to more than 30,000 students and 8,500 faculty and staff.

Ad Types and Placement

Ad Type and Size Placement

Interior Panel

47" W x 11" H

Stampede Buses - inside above the windows and passengers

Exterior Rear Panel 

76: W x 32" H

Rear of Stampede Bus


8.5" x 11" or 8.5" x 14"            

Bus Shelter Interior Cases


48" W x 70" H

Flint Loop and Founders Lighted Bus Shelters

Pricing and Availability

UB departments, organizations and affiliates, email or phone Linda Velazquez, Parking and Transportation Services at, (716) 645-0295 for pricing, availability and additional information.

Corporations and businesses, email or phone Erin Uppington, Corporate and Foundation Relations at, (716) 881-8051.

Linda Velazquez.

Linda Velazquez

Assistant Director of Business Services and Communications

Parking and Transportation Services

106 Spaulding Quadrangle

Phone: 716-645-0295
