• Buffalo News reports Sen. Schumer backing of $120 million grant for UB materials research
    The Buffalo News reports on Senator Charles E. Schumer's appearance with UB president Satish K. Tripathi at Barbara and Jack Davis Hall yesterday on the North Campus to announce Schumer's support of UB's application for a $120 million federal grant to pursue materials research within the university's Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics.
  • Wired reports on UB computer simulation to keep track of space junk
    A Wired article on UB research about computer simulations that will help keep track of space debris, quotes John L. Crassidis, PhD, director of graduate studies and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
  • Huffington Post covers UB study on alcohol/energy drink mixes and casual sex
    Mixing alcohol and energy drinks may lead to casual sex among college students in new UB study reported on by Huffington Post.
  • The New York Times featured UB research on the evolutionary history of polar bears
    A New York Times article featured research led by UB assistant professor of biological sciences Charlotte Lindqvist, PhD, and quoted her about a study that analyzed the whole genomes of polar bears.