Yoga For Every Body

Year of Yoga for Every Body (with sun image behind the word Yoga).

During the 2019-2020 academic year at the University at Buffalo, the Office of Inclusive Excellence along with various campus partners sponsored a range of inclusive yoga events through a yearlong program entitled Yoga for Every Body. These events brought visibility and awareness to issues of inclusion through yoga.

On this page:

Remote Yoga & Wellness Resources

These are virtual resources offered by the yoga and wellness specialists that either visited UB for our Year of Yoga, or were planning to visit before COVID-19 cancellations.  Stay tuned as we reschedule some of these terrific speakers!

Dianne Bondy

Dianne's Youtube Channel with yoga videos where she breaks down classic asana and makes the poses more accessible

Dianne's Yoga Blog with short video tutorials and other content on wellness, and on her new book

Michelle C. Johnson

Podcasts with Michelle C. Johnson on activism, yoga and social justice

TEDX Talk by Michelle C. Johnson entitled "There is No Neutral"

Sharon Salzberg

Podcasts with Sharon Salzberg on wellness, and on her new book

COVID-19 Resources from Sharon Salzberg, including a survival guide, a lovingkindness meditation, and links to other resources

Matthew Sanford

Mind Body Solution's Hub has videos with mind-body insights, stories of transformation, adaptive yoga teaching/training, and full length yoga classes

Fall 2019 Events

Fall 2019 DIFCON: Yoga, Meditation and Cultural Appropriation

This Difficult Conversation (DIFCON) event focused on the variety of debates and controversies surround the growing popularity of yoga and meditation around the globe. In particular, some are concerned that yoga in the West has developed into an elitist, anti-diversity practice. Panelists and attendees discussed the following question: Is practicing yoga and meditation a form of cultural appropriation? Can these mindfulness exercises be practiced in more culturally appropriate ways?

Fall Calendar of Events

9/27/19-Sharon Salzberg Talk & Book Signing

10/17/19-Matthew Sanford Documentary Screening

11/21/19-Yoga Workshops for Adults Working with Youth