President’s Advisory Council on Race Implementation

In June 2020, President Tripathi convened the President’s Advisory Council on Race (PACOR) to guide the university’s collective conversations and actions regarding racism and systemic inequality to ensure that UB is equitable in its policies, programs, activities and traditions. In March 2021, the Council presented its university-wide assessment and recommendations in four key focus areas: Faculty and Staff Recruitment, Hiring and Retention; Student Recruitment and Retention; Curriculum and Teaching; and Community.

The Implementation Committee for the President’s Advisory Council on Race Recommendations is being charged with reviewing and discussing the PACOR’s recommendations to determine how best to implement them, develop a timeline for this process, and establish specific quantitative and/or qualitative milestones for anticipated progress. Composed of faculty, staff and students, the committee members each bring their own unique expertise and experience to help the university harness its education, research and engagement mission to combat racism, dismantle structural barriers to equality, and make UB a more inclusive place to live, learn and work.

The foundation of UB’s implementation effort of the PACOR recommendations lies in seven subcommittees focused on key PACOR recommendations (see planning structure):

  • Faculty Recruitment, Mentoring & Retention
  • Scholarship, Tenure & Recognition
  • Staff Recruitment, Mentoring & Advancement
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Student Experience & Programs
  • Inclusive Space
  • Community Engagement

Led by co-chairs, each subcommittee is guided by a unique charge, has diverse membership, is committed to formulating timely short and long-term actionable recommendations, and is committed to collaboration and integration across other subcommittees. The subcommittee charges and membership are included below.   

Guiding the work of the subcommittees and synthesizing their results is the Steering Committee.  Led by co-chairs Suzanne Rosenblith, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, and Mark Alnutt, Vice President and Director of Athletics, populated by subcommittee co-chairs, and reporting to the Provost, this committee is responsible for making final recommendations to the President and Provost that include clear and actionable implementation plans to achieve short and long-term goals with responsibility assigned for their success. In addition, undergraduate and graduate student committees provide advice and guidance to the Steering Committee.

Implementation of recommendations from the President’s Advisory Council on Race is a university priority and a call to action. Ultimately, the success of our implementation efforts in achieving our diversity, equity and inclusion goals will require the commitment and contributions of the entire UB community.