Welcome to the Center for Excellence in Writing!

Writing consultations take place in 17 Norton, just down the hall from 1 Capen.

Your voice is like no other. Welcome to the conversation.

Make it a point to visit the CEW this semester! 

Fall Hours at 17 Norton 

  • Mondays 10am - 7pm
  • Tuesdays 9am - 6pm 
  • Wednesdays 9am - 7pm
  • Thursdays 10am - 7pm
  •  Fridays 10am - 6pm

Virtual appointments are available throughout the week including evenings and Sundays.  However, due to logistical reasons, we cannot change in-person appointments to virtual Zoom appointments. If you would like to meet with a consultant virtually, you must book a specially-designated virtual appointment. Thank you for understanding––our goal is to be as accommodating and accessible as possible. 

If you have questions, email writing@buffalo.edu.  (Please note this email is only monitored during  business hours Monday through Friday). 

New Programs!

This Fall, we are launching four new programs: 

Written Feedback, allowing you to request specific feedback and receive it through written comments without a face-to-face or online meeting. Learn more here. 

Dissertation Buddies, which pairs dissertation-stage PhD students with a consultant who is also working on their dissertation.  This is ideal for those looking for accountability,  mutual support, and productivity strategies in addition to feedback. Learn more here. 

Oral Communication Lab, formerly "English Conversation Group." Ideal for international students, this program is designed to help meet the communication support needs of UB students. In addition to casual conversation modules, professionalization skills such as networking, interviewing and presenting will be emphasized. From September 13th to November 22nd, the program will be held in 128 Capen (inside TASS)  on Friday afternoons from 1pm - 5pm. Learn more here. 

Writing Group for Neurodivergent Graduate Students. Existing dissertation support structures are not designed with everyone’s needs in mind, so let’s get together and discuss the kinds of dissertation support that would work for you!  Discussion groups?  Accountability partners?  Topical workshops?  Out of our kickoff event on Monday September 9, we hope to create community and support structures that will have you sailing through your program to completion and success!  Let’s do it together. 

Click here to register. Can't make it to the kickoff event? Register anyways and leave your contact information to stay in the loop!



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The CEW is a very welcoming resource on campus. As a transfer student in my second semester, I am very appreciative of their welcoming environment since it makes me feel like I fit in on campus.