
Spring 2024

Fall 2023

  • State of the University 2023
    "Because of you—our immediate scholarly community and our broader circle of friends and partners—I can declare unequivocally that not only is our flagship strong—but it is becoming more vibrant every day."
  • UB|AI Chat Series Launch
    "Today we’re here to discuss an area of interdisciplinary strength that has implications for every aspect of our life—from our homes and health, to education, transportation, communication, national security, and much more. I’m speaking, of course, about artificial intelligence. We are delighted Chancellor King could join us for the first event in our UB|AI Chat Series—'Harnessing AI for Public Good.'"

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

  • World University Games Torch Relay
    "It is wonderful to see the games returning to New York State—and with them, the spirit of international sportsmanship and camaraderie that makes them so inspiring to watch."
  • 2022 State of the University
    "I would also like to extend my thanks to you—our faculty, students and staff—for joining me not only this morning in Slee Hall but for always showing up to uphold UB’s mission of excellence. That is why, I can proclaim—without hesitation—that the state of our university is strong."
  • Willie R. Evans Quadrangle Naming Ceremony
    "On behalf of our entire UB community, I appreciate all of you being here to celebrate the renaming of this residence hall, and to remember our dear friend Willie Evans. Willie not only exemplified our university mission, he left our UB community with an impactful legacy of service and provided us with a model for a meaningful life."
  • Vice President Kamala Harris Speaks at UB
    "It is an honor to have Vice President Harris here to discuss the administration’s investments in climate solutions. At UB, our environmental leadership dates back to the 1970s, during the public health crisis at Love Canal. To this day, we continue to bring our expertise to bear on the complex challenge of climate change."
  • Indigenous Studies Department Launch and 50th Anniversary Celebration
    "Our Department of Indigenous Studies marks a bold new chapter for this field at UB. It brings our work into direct conversation with the community. It serves as a model of how to re-align humanities expertise with 21st-century challenges. And it ensures that all students understand how issues of indigeneity impact the quest for solutions."