Implementation Timeline (Complete)

The timeline below reflects the LMS review process and three-semester transition process, which culminated in a full implementation of Brightspace in Fall 2023.

  • July 2021 - April 2022
    LMS review process.
  • April 2022
    Brightspace selected as new Learning Management System.
  • Summer 2022
    Project planning and organization of university-wide implementation teams.
  • Fall 2022
    Technical configuration of Brightspace environment. Develop training and workshop materials for delivery to campus instructional designers and instructional support staff.
  • Spring 2023
    Phase 1 of course content migration from Blackboard to Brightspace. Early training opportunities for faculty and departmental support personnel.
  • Summer 2023
    Early adopter program for identified summer courses. Phase 2 of course content migration from Blackboard to Brightspace. Full faculty and support staff training schedule available.
  • Fall 2023
    Brightspace becomes UB’s primary LMS. Continued training and workshop availability. Close out and archiving of Blackboard system.