Developing Physics-Informed, Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Optical Imaging Platform

Illustrating students working on a research project, generated by Copilot.

Develop methods to improve image qualities using physics, image science, and artificial intelligence 

Project description

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technology that can non-invasively generate cross-sectional images of tissue. OCT is widely used in eye clinics to diagnose and manage retinal diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Improving the image resolution and contrast will bring numerous opportunities to study ultrastructural features of the human retina.

In this project, we will develop both hardware (physics-based) and software (artificial intelligence-based) methods to improve the optical image qualities. Students will work with custom-developed optical imaging instruments and develop a deblurring neural network to recover the images with improved resolution and contrast. 

Project outcome

Develop methods to improve image qualities
Present findings as a poster and/or publish in a journal
Experience with human subject research 

Project details

Timing, eligibility and other details
Length of commitment Longer than a semester; 6-9 months
Start time January 2025 - May 2025
In-person, remote, or hybrid? In Person (Can only function with in-person engagement)
Level of collaboration Small group project (2-3 students)

Academic Credit


Research experience

Who is eligible Sophomore & Junior students that have a strong interest in both physics and machine learning, experience with programming (Python, MATLAB, etc.)

Project mentor

Jungeun Won

Assistant Professor of Research

Biomedical Engineering

Phone: (716) 645-4497


Start the project

  1. Email the project mentor using the contact information above to express your interest and get approval to work on the project. (Here are helpful tips on how to contact a project mentor.)
  2. After you receive approval from the mentor to start this project, click the button to start the digital badge. (Learn more about ELN's digital badge options.) 

Preparation activities

Once you begin the digital badge series, you will have access to all the necessary activities and instructions. Your mentor has indicated they would like you to also complete the specific preparation activities below. Please reference this when you get to Step 2 of the Preparation Phase. 

  1. Watch 3 relevant videos about optical coherence tomography.


    - (Part 1)

    - (Part 2)

  2. Study 'point spread function' in an optical image system, in terms of physics and image science. 


Biomedical Engineering, Machine Learning, Imaging, Optics, Physics, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering