Students taking part in ReTree the District.
The Office of Government and Community Relations can help connect students to the neighborhoods they live in and with community service opportunities.
There are many chances for students to connect through volunteering opportunities.
The Student Life Gateway is the primary resource for students interested in giving back to the community and helping create positive change in Western New York. They offer many chances to volunteer, including individual days of service, alternative break programs, drives and ongoing service commitments.
The Experential Learning Network provides access to many credit-based and co-curricular experiences that will take students out of the classroom and into communities and cultures around the world.
Every year the Honors College partners with a number of community organizations, all of which are actively making Buffalo a better place to live in, to offer the Honors Colloquium, a two credit service-learning course which all Honors College freshmen are required to take. Through tours, guest speakers, readings, and most importantly, twenty hours of service in the community, students will learn about the challenges and opportunities currently facing the city of Buffalo.
Community meetings are a great place to learn more about your neighbors, what you can do to make a difference and to voice student specific concerns: