UB Dietetic Internship 20th Anniversary

Founded in 2000, UB’s Dietetic Internship Program was the first in Western New York and has earned a reputation as one of the most distinguished and respected dietitian training programs.

During the 2020-2021 academic year, the School of Public Health and Health Professions celebrated 20 years of Dietetic Internship Program graduates. The Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Department marked this important occasion by commemorating the past, celebrating the present and imagining the future of the Dietetic Internship Program. Events being planned will include the UB campus, alumni and the greater Western New York community and will highlight the impact that program alumni have had in their careers and the work that the program does today. Opportunities will also be available for reflection and discussion of dietetics education and what is happening in the future.

In Memoriam

Cathy Davius '19

Cathy Davius.

An alumna of the Dietetic Internship at University at Buffalo, Cathy Davius had a passion for nutrition and wellness.

An engaging and enthusiastic professional, she had embarked on a career providing nutritionally balanced meals to students in Texas, where she lived with her husband, Chris.

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  • Share your story
  • Order your DI fleece
  • Support the program

On this page:

Cathy Davius Memorial Award Recipients

Brooke Roys 2021

Scholarship recipient.

Kelsey Schaffstall 2020

Scholarship recipient.

Save the Date

We are planning to celebrate in June 2021.