By Marcene Robinson (BA ’13)
Something’s fishy in the waters of the Niagara River. A UB-led team detected high levels of antidepressants—from wastewater treatment plants—in 10 species of local fish. The drugs, isolated in the brain, pose no threat to your weekend fish fry, but they can alter animal behavior and threaten biodiversity.
Led by: Chemistry researcher Diana Aga
To eradicate a rare yet lethal strain of antibiotic-resistant E. coli capable of overpowering any single medication, UB researchers assembled a “superteam” of three antibiotics. The novel combination of drugs defeated the bacteria within 24 hours, providing clinicians with an effective weapon in the fight against superbugs.
Led by: Pharmacy practice researcher Brian Tsuji and University of Illinois at Chicago researcher Zackery Bulman (PharmD ’15)
Growing old doesn’t have to mean growing weak. UB researchers discovered that a 10-minute, three-day-a-week workout plan reversed frailty in aging mice. The short bouts of vigorous exercise—a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program developed by the investigators—led to increased muscle mass, strength and endurance in the rodents.
Led by: Geriatrics and palliative medicine researcher Bruce Troen and medicine researcher Kenneth Seldeen