Hilary Weaver, addressing the refugee crisis [“The Big Idea,” Spring 2016], wants us to meet people who “have realities that are much different from ours.” I say, start at home. As an associate dean, hire a Libertarian or Republican, or even more daring, a Republican woman, as a professor. Give yourself and your students some viewpoint diversity, instead of superficial diversity with ideological conformity. Meanwhile, Yunju Nam, in her essay on economic inequality, would tax the middle class to ensure that “every child be given an account at birth.” How about taking an opportunity path and making individual capitalistic success easier? Eliminate 75 percent of regressive state licensing barriers. Eliminate abusive regressive local taxes on the smallest businesses. Teach economics in high schools—not just checkbook balancing but creation and use of capital. I was poor, my mom bought me clothes at church rummage sales, I was able to do crafts and sell products without government interference, did a free internship one summer, and developed skills that helped me succeed.
Tom Reeve (JD ’74)
San Diego, Calif.
Imagine my elation and surprise when reaching page 48 of your spring edition [“1948: The Salt and Peppers”]. I was part of that group through 1950 when I graduated—I’m the second male in the second row. What a time we had! The article brought back ancient memories. I believe that Tom Hinckley (BA ’50) was to the far right, Jack Tylee (BS ’50) to his left, and there was “Mouse” in the front row. I still have my letter but the sweater is long gone.
Dick Hainer (BS ’50)
Allison Park, Pa.
That’s Dick Hainer (second male in the second row), who found himself in the magazine!
We have received hundreds of publications from many schools over many years, but the Spring 2016 issue of At Buffalo is the all-time best. Totally professional, very readable, interesting, great layout, etc.
Lee Runk (BS ’64)
Orchard Lake, Mich.
I have been a faculty member at the medical school for 40 years. I have read many publications out of UB; however, the Spring 2016 issue of At Buffalo is exceptionally good, both informative and extremely interesting. Keep up the good work. I cannot wait for the next issue.
Howard Faden
Professor of Pediatrics
Buffalo, N.Y.
Steven Sample
We were saddened to learn of the passing of Steven B. Sample, who helped guide UB’s transformation into a global entity during his tenure as the university’s 12th president from 1982 to 1991. Sample, who went on to lead the University of Southern California (USC), died March 29 at the age of 75. An electrical engineer who also taught at Purdue and the University of Nebraska, Sample left an indelible mark on UB by overseeing major campus construction, signing academic exchange agreements with institutions in Asia and Europe, and launching important initiatives to improve undergraduate life and academic experience. Under his leadership, the university gained acceptance into the prestigious Association of American Universities in 1989. At USC, where he served as president for 19 years until retiring in 2010, Sample oversaw the school’s rise in the college rankings as well as the recruitment of an increasingly diverse student body and many nationally prominent faculty. “So much of our university’s current stature can be traced back to Dr. Sample’s dynamic leadership, keen foresight and extraordinary prudence,” said current USC President and UB alumnus C.L. Max Nikias (PhD ’82, MS ’80). Sample’s many awards include UB’s highest honor, the Chancellor Charles P. Norton Medal, which he received in 2004.
Send letters and comments to Editor with the subject heading “Letters.” Or mail to Editor, At Buffalo, 330 Crofts Hall, Buffalo, N.Y. 14260. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include a daytime phone number for verification.
Barbara Staebell Rooney (EDM ’92, BS ’78) of Williamsville, N.Y., is the winner of our Careful Reader Quiz—Back Issue Edition (“To which former UB student-athlete does this national championship ring belong?”). The answer is Jonathan Jones (BA ’15), who won the championship in shot put in 2015. Rooney, whose name was randomly chosen from the correct submissions, will receive an At Buffalo mug.