Scientists once believed the hot ash expelled by a supervolcano could travel 600 miles per hour. But after studying the movement of prehistoric rock, researchers discovered that these clouds of doom stay under your average highway speed limit. Understanding how quickly these gasses move will help scientists forecast eruptions.
Led by: UB geology researcher Greg A. Valentine, Blaise Pascal University in France volcanology researcher Olivier Roche, U.S. Geological Survey geology researcher David C. Buesch
A new model for cybersecurity training may finally catch those pesky phish that cost the world more than $1 trillion in damages. Designed by UB researchers, the training ditches the current one-size-fits-all approach for a customized version that accounts for people’s thought patterns and varied email habits.
Led by: Communication researcher Arun Vishwanath
Dentists can spot more than a cavity during routine cleanings. New research suggests an oversized tongue and tonsils place people at higher risk for obstructive sleep apnea—a sleeping disorder caused by blocked airways. The study calls on dentists to check for these signs and recommend patients to sleep specialists.
Led by: Dental researcher Thikriat Al-Jewair