Download and Install UB Guardian App

The UB Guardian (Rave Guardian) app is available for both Apple and Android platforms.

Applies to: UB students, faculty and staff

Operating system: iOS, Android

Last reviewed: September 4, 2018

You must first register with UB Alert

Sign up for UB Alert.

Download App

Follow the links below, or search your device's online app store for "Rave Guardian."


NOTE: You must have cell coverage / mobile network to receive the verification code.

  1. Once downloaded, open the app.
  2. When prompted, enter your mobile number
  3. Tap Continue
  4. Enter the verification code that you are texted
  5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions Agreement
  6. Tap Continue
  7. If the information is correct on the next screen, tap Yes
  8. Tap Yes to receive push notifications (recommended)
  9. Tap Allow
  10. Tap Yes to receive alerts based on your location (recommended)
  11. Tap Always Allow
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Contact the UBIT Help Center.