Rave Mobility - UBIT Technical Incident Guidance

Category: Information Technology

Date Established: December 2023

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Information Officer

Responsible Executive: Chief Information Officer

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The University at Buffalo (UB, University) is committed to maintaining communication among UBIT leadership when network, telephone or email system incidents or outages arise.


The University at Buffalo (UB, University) recognizes that incident handling capability is dependent on the functionality of university systems and the mission/business processes being supported by those systems. To ensure that communication among VPCIO leadership and ultimately to distributed IT and IT stakeholders, a Rave Mobility broadcast group has been created. This Rave Mobility group is to be used by select members to broadcast the identification of critical service incidents, the need for further urgent communication, and the platform that communication will reside within.


The University at Buffalo (UB, University) utilizes Rave Mobility for university-wide mass communications in instances of campus emergencies and technical incidents. When incidents occur, it is critical to the functionality of the university, for VPCIO leadership to be notified and initiate the service restoration process. Historically, this communication has been conducted through Listserv messages (email), in-person meetings or phone trees which utilizes the personal phones of university team members. The variety of communication pathways each maintain a level of risk in that they rely on underpinning services to support their continuity.

To add another alternate communication channel, a Rave Mobility alert group has been created for UBIT leadership. This alert will direct team members to the best stable communication platform at the time where they can securely communicate, hold meetings, and share documents pertaining to incidents.


This guidance applies to VPCIO leadership, distributed IT (node) directors, and applicable Incident Response Teams.


Rave Mobility: A mass communication system utilized in instances of campus emergencies and technical incidents.


The VPCIO leadership team can compose and dispatch alerts to VPCIO leadership and other RAVE Mobility group members, providing information regarding the incidents which are affecting campus IT services.

Contact Information

Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Phone: 716-645-7979
Email: vpcio@buffalo.edu

Information Security Office
Phone: 716-645-6997
Email: sec-office@buffalo.edu

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