UB President Satish K. Tripathi issues statement on Supreme Court’s race-conscious admissions decision

Release Date: June 29, 2023

Satish Tripathi portrait.

Satish Tripathi 

“With this analysis of the ruling underway, allow me to reaffirm that our values of social justice will continue to guide us in our expression of our university mission. ”
Satish K. Tripathi , president
University at Buffalo

BUFFALO, N.Y. — University at Buffalo President Satish K. Tripathi released the following statement Thursday following the Supreme Court’s decision that restricts race-based admissions in higher education.

“As a scholarly community grounded in values of social justice, we are committed to cultivating a diverse, equitable and welcoming academic environment for all of our students, faculty and staff. We recognize that UB thrives because of our diversity.

“It is this diversity—of perspective, backgrounds, cultures and lived experiences—that contributes to UB’s dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment. It enriches our research, our scholarly pursuits, our academic discourse—indeed, all that we endeavor to accomplish.

“With the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today that race-based admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, we are working in consultation with the SUNY offices of the Chancellor and the General Counsel to analyze its implications. Once the full analysis is complete, we will communicate the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision on university admissions policies and practices.

“With this analysis of the ruling underway, allow me to reaffirm that our values of social justice will continue to guide us in our expression of our university mission.”

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