Student talking with an exhibitor at the Fair
Join us in the Student Union for this free event that features staff and vendors offering ways to green our homes, yards, and offices while reducing our environmental footprint. Free samples will be available.
Community Solar produces electricity from local solar farms. These farms reduce the amount of energy generated from coal and natural gas plants and improve our overall air quality and health. As a subscriber to a local community solar farm, your are guaranteed to save 10% off your total rate annually. Astral Power helps communities by providing local jobs and economic development. Our team members are also members of the community who contribute to the local tax base and economy.
Association for Wild Animal Rehabilitation and Education, Inc.: Cares for orphaned, injured and distressed wildlife. As a part of our goal, we offer live educational programs to the general public using live disabled, but healthy birds.
Buffalo Niagara RIVERKEEPER® is a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and connecting people to the water. We do this by cleaning up pollution, restoring fish and wildlife habitat, creating public access and enhancing educational opportunities.
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, founded in 1995, is the nation’s largest natural-habitat refuge developed specifically for African and Asian elephants. Accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) and certified by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), The Sanctuary operates on 2,700 acres in Hohenwald, TN – 85 miles southwest of Nashville.
Feel Rite Fresh Markets is a local chain of health food stores.
GObike Buffalo is working to build a thriving, dynamic and connected Buffalo by promoting biking, alternative transportation options, and improved streetscapes to create positive impacts on health, our environment, our streets and the overall quality of life for all residents.
With Modern’s single stream technology simply place your paper, plastic containers, glass bottles and metal cans into one convenient recycling container. They do the messy sorting, keeping your areas cleaner, reducing your trash and freeing our employees for more important tasks!
Sells or transports natural gas to more than 740,000 customers through a local distribution system located in western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. National Fuel Gas has provided the Sustainability Fair with a number of Home Energy Efficiency Kits.
NYPA is the country's largest state public power organization, producing some of the cheapest electricity in North America.
Solar Liberty installs photovoltaic (PV) solar electric systems on homes, nonprofit buildings, schools, government facilities, and businesses.
The Professional Staff Senate participates in University Shared Governance, promotes professional development, and cultivates collegiality, community and UB Culture.
Career Services is a career development center providing extensive services to students at all educational levels and across all academic disciplines, as well as lifetime resources to alumni. Career Services supports the objectives of the University and other departments/offices through educational programs and knowledge in the area of career development.
UB Health Promotions actively promotes student well-being — a key factor in academic success and long-term happiness. Our four main areas of focus include alcohol, tobacco and other drug harm reduction; healthy eating; rape and sexual assault prevention; and stress reduction.
The University Libraries offer an outstanding array of information resources, technologies, services and people to support the academic and creative achievements of our students, faculty, staff and community members.
The unit’s purpose is to provide a wealth of opportunities and resources to the UB community for recreation and learning in the great outdoors.
UB CAMPUS PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION is dedicated to balancing the demand of parking allocation and transportation alternatives.
UB Sustainability’s focus is on teaching sustainability that brings together our faculty, staff and students to learn about local and global sustainability challenges.
WEAVER'S GUILD is a network of individuals who come together to exchange energies, information and philosophies about weaving and other fiber related arts for the purpose of keeping a craft we care about alive, as well as sharing it with others.
If you have questions, contact Don Erb (, or 716-645-5619).
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