News about UB’s global partnerships and our impact around the world. (see all topics)
From Empire AI to the 'DeepFake-o-Meter,' artificial intelligence played a central role in many of UB's most memorable moments in 2024.
The work is supported by a $487,230 grant from the National Institute of Nursing Research.
Trip includes laboratory tours, meetings at universities in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Kaihang Shi will create microporous polymers to make natural gas processing more energy efficient.
Mandibular distraction, led by UB’s Michael Markiewicz, enables Israeli baby to breathe, eat on her own.
The technology could reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of food, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.
Carleara Weiss will study how nicotinamide riboside, a type of vitamin B3, affects sleep and memory in older adults.
Research study could lead to new therapies for people who suffer nerve injuries following auto accidents, gunshots.
Partnership will provide training for future public health professionals and strengthen international grant opportunities.
Research team to develop new transistors based on 2D semiconductors and magnetoelectric materials.
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