GEM is interested in supporting COVID-19 research efforts. Researchers should contact GEM at with research project ideas.
SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) is an extensive database that allows UB researchers, administrators, postdocs, and students (at no charge) to search over 40,000 funding opportunities from more than 10,000 federal, public, non-profit, and private sponsors. Registered users can set up and save search preferences, sign up for email notifications, organize and export funding searches and funding opportunities.
Click Here for SPIN Instructions
For help with SPIN, please contact Kimberly Burns at
Attention: UB Faculty Researchers
If you have recently had an external funding proposal declined, the VPRED office may be able to provide support — including funding for additional data and grant writing assistance — to address gaps identified by reviewers. The goal of this program is to help make the application more competitive for future external funding opportunities. For example, if a lack of preliminary data was a contributing negative factor to the proposal, you may be eligible to receive funding from the VPRED office to help address that issue.
Please contact Chitra Rajan at or Kenneth Tramposch at for more information.
This 2018 workshop provided students and scholars with experience in analyzing genomic data from installing and combining software to running variant call analyses, visualizing data, and testing for functional enrichment of significant regions. AGAR 2018 is partially funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 1714867) and being organized by the American Association of Anthropological Genetics (AAAG) Education Committee.
The Nature primer collection on the gut-brain axis is available online (free through July 2018). The collection features recent microbiome research, and includes a paper co-authored by GEM affiliate Jeffrey Lackner, PhD, on functional dyspepsia.
The UB Women in STEM Cooperative is currently accepting submissions from UB students for our “STEM for Everyone: Stories and Examples from Students” event. The flyer is linked below. Please forward to your networks and encourage your students to apply for this unique opportunity to present their research or studies in language that is easily understandable by the general public.
April 25, 2017
12pm – 1pm
210 Student Union
Brief Description: Students will have the opportunity to take up to 5 minutes presenting their research or studies (related to STEM) in language that is easily understandable by the general public. Creativity in how the information is presented is encouraged!
Application Deadline: March 24, 2017
Discuss and develop novel approaches to clinical trials in a unique, collaborative environment
Registration and hotel reservations are now available for the 2017 Creative Scientist Workshop sponsored by the State University of New York at Buffalo Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) with ongoing input from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). This year’s workshop is focused on developing collaborative proposals to address the number one obstacle to successful clinical trials: recruitment of participants.
Open to all high school seniors, undergraduates or grad students, LabRoots will award $3,000 to aid in funding research projects, travel, training, and other cost associated with their academic pursuits.
Applications open March 1st, don’t miss out!
Workshop Synopsis: Emerging biotechnologies such as CRISPR and gene drives are ushering in a new era of genetic engineering. In this new era, the technical means to modify life are becoming cheaper, faster, more accurate, and more widely accessible than ever before. Gene editing technologies have already made it possible to engineer ourselves, our food animals, and our crops. More recently, they are also being developed to intentionally and rapidly alter or even drive to extinction certain species such as mosquitoes, with far-reaching implications for the management of human diseases, including malaria, dengue, Zika, and Lyme. In other words: gene editing technologies are increasingly granting humans the power to engineer life at all scales.
What kind of futures do gene editing technologies portend and what imaginaries of progress, risk, and control guide their regulation? This two-day groundbreaking workshop will bring together scholars from a diverse range of disciplines including law, philosophy, biology, ecology, anthropology, medicine, media, and the arts to contemplate the complex cultural, scientific, regulatory, and normative implications of gene editing technologies for the future of life. The participants will examine and problematize the evolving regulatory approaches to gene editing within, and beyond, the human. As part of the workshop, three of the participants will give a public lecture at the Center for the Arts, with comments and questions from the other participants to follow.