Research Resources

COVID-19: Resources for Researchers

CDC photo image of COVID-19 virus.

Photo credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Funding opportunities, resources and other information related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) will be added to the RF-SUNY COVID-19 page as they become available. 

  AXA Proposals are due May, 7, 2020 at 4pm Paris time.

GEM is interested in supporting COVID-19 research efforts. Researchers should contact GEM at with research project ideas.

Additional Information on COVID-19 Research:

Research Funding Resources

SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) is an extensive database that allows UB researchers, administrators, postdocs, and students (at no charge) to search over 40,000 funding opportunities from more than 10,000 federal, public, non-profit, and private sponsors. Registered users can set up and save search preferences, sign up for email notifications, organize and export funding searches and funding opportunities.

Click Here for SPIN Instructions

For help with SPIN, please contact Kimberly Burns at

Archived Resources

This 2018 workshop provided students and scholars with experience in analyzing genomic data from installing and combining software to running variant call analyses, visualizing data, and testing for functional enrichment of significant regions. AGAR 2018 is partially funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 1714867) and being organized by the American Association of Anthropological Genetics (AAAG) Education Committee. 

Learn more

The Nature primer collection on the gut-brain axis is available online (free through July 2018). The collection features recent microbiome research, and includes a paper co-authored by GEM affiliate Jeffrey Lackner, PhD, on functional dyspepsia.