Reese Wong: NASA L'SPACE

Planning the deployment of a Mars rover.

Final project outcome

Student reflections

Photo of Mars.

What I did

In my project we created a Product Design Review (PDR) and presented to a board of mentors. Our PDR was used to create a report about a Mars Rover that is deployed and collects ice on Mars. The rover will then analyze the ice and determine if the ice is water or carbon dioxide. This all had to be done remotely as a return mission is not possible yet, nor has a human stepped foot on Mars. The purpose of the Mars mission is to identify water sources on Mars to determine if life on Mars is possible.

What I learned

I am most proud of being able to complete this assignment in conjunction with a full schedule of classes. During this project I learned leadership, time management, as well as how professional project deadlines work.

My biggest takeaway from this experience is that I can't rush perfection, and that every step is as important as the last. This experience allowed me to get a snapshot of what project development looks like as well as methods to avoid catastrophic failures.

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