American Psychological Association Fellow

Founded in 1892, the American Psychological Association is the leading U.S.-based scientific and professional organization for promoting psychological science and knowledge to benefit society and improve lives. Fellows are APA members who have made outstanding contributions in the field of psychology.

2021-22 Honorees

Jeffrey M. Lackner

Department of Medicine

Professor of medicine and chief of its Division of Behavioral Medicine, Jeffrey Lackner, PsyD, is a leading authority on brain-body interactions underlying irritable bowel syndrome and other centralized pain disorders. His innovative research focuses on developing and testing brief nonpharmacological pain treatments, understanding how they work and for whom they are most effective. A prolific author with an exceptional record of National Institutes of Health funding dating to 1999, he has published more than 80 articles in medical and behavioral science journals, eight textbook chapters, and an award-winning trade book that brought his cutting-edge research to lay international audiences. Lackner’s work has informed clinical practice guidelines in the US, Europe, and Asia, all of which has earned him fellowship status in the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science, as well as the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research and the American Gastroenterological Association in 2021 and 2022.