UB Anthropology Field School

Students in the field.

During the summer session, UB Anthropology offers an enriching, hands-on 6-week field school experience at sites in western New York.

APY 338: Field Research Archaeology

Credit: 6.0 Hours

Led by Dr. Douglas Perrelli, the field school provides an intensive and rewarding archaeological field and lab experience for students interested in archaeology as an academic concentration and as a career option in the field of Cultural Resource Management (CRM). Field school is geared towards students with interests in North American archaeology or related fields including history, geology, geography, soil science and the natural sciences.

The goal is to introduce students to the techniques of archaeological site location, artifact identification, excavation, mapping, and material analysis in a fun but rigorous academic and applied setting. Students will learn

  1. To locate archaeological sites in a variety of settings,
  2. Methods of excavating sites in a stepwise fashion using New York State standards,
  3. Best practices for documenting the archaeological materials recovered in the field,
  4. Lab processing and classification of artifacts and materials,
  5. How to identify and analyze a sample of artifacts,
  6. How to present information about sites in written and cartographic formats,
  7. How artifacts and information are stored and managed in a museum setting.