Portrait of Jorge J.E. Gracia, SUNY Distinguished Professor, and Samuel P. Capen Chair. Artwork by Gustavo Acosta, Missing Link 2005, Acrylic on Canvas, 3' x 14". Photograph by Douglas Levere
Jorge J. E. Gracia, Professor Emeritus, Samuel P. Capen Chair, and is State University of New York Distinguished Professor. He was educated in Cuba, the United States, Canada, and Spain. His PhD is from Toronto and he holds American and Canadian citizenships. He was born in 1942, in Cuba.
Jorge J. E. Gracia's primary areas of interest in philosophy may be divided into two groups:
Jorge J. E. Gracia holds the Samuel P. Capen Chair and is State University of New York Distinguished Professor. He was educated in Cuba, the United States, Canada, and Spain. His PhD is from Toronto and he holds American and Canadian citizenships. He was born in 1942, in Cuba.
Gracia is the author of twenty books: La Interpretacion de La Literatura, el Arte y la Filosofia (forthcoming in 2016), (with others) Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics (2015), (with Ilan Stavans) Thirteen Ways of Looking at Latino Art (2014), Painting Borges: Philosophy Interpreting Art Interpreting Literature (2012), Images of Thought: Carlos Estevez's Art 2009), Latinos in America: Philosophy and Social Identity 2008), Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century (2005), Old Wine in New Skins: The Role of Tradition in Communication, Knowledge, and Group Identity (2003), ¿Qué son las categorías? (2002), How Can We Know What God Means? The Interpretation of Revelation (2001), Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective (2000), Metaphysics and Its Task: The Search for the Categorial Foundations of Knowledge (1999), Filosofía hispánica (1998), Texts: Ontological Status, Identity, Author, Audience (1996), A Theory of Textuality: The Logic and Epistemology (1995), Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical Historiography (1992), Individuality: An Essay on the Foundations of Metaphysics (1988), Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages (1984, 1986), The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suarez (1989), and Suarez on Individuation (1982)–and over 250 articles published in the US, Europe, Latin America, and China.
Gracia has edited more than two dozen volumes in subjects such as metaphysics, hermeneutics, medieval and Latin American philosophy, ethnic and racial issues, and philosophy of religion. He has been president of the Metaphysical Society of America, Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought, International Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and American Catholic Philosophical Association. He was the first Chair of the APA Committee for Hispanics in Philosophy and has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Eastern Division of the APA and Chair of the Program Committee. He chaired the Department of Philosophy at the University at Buffalo from 1980-1986.
He sits on the boards of more than a dozen philosophy journals and edits an interdisciplinary series on Iberian and Latin American culture and thought.
He has received several fellowships, including an NEH Research Fellowship, and has directed an NEH Summer Institute and an NEH Summer Seminar. He is currently working on a book entitled Categories, and is in the process of editing others dealing with philosophy and popular culture, and identity in art, literature, and philosophy. Among special honors are the Findlay Prize for Individuality and the Aquinas Medal from the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
Alcoff, Linda M. “Mapping the Boundaries of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality: A Commentary on Jorge Gracia’s Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality,” International Philosophical Quarterly, 48, no. 2. 2008. 213-238. Reprinted with revisions in Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J.E. Gracia and His Critics. Columbia University Press: New York. 2015.
_____. “Latino vs. Hispanic: The Politics of Ethnic Names,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 31, 4. 2005. 395-407
_____. “A Response to Gracia,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 31, 4. 2005. 419-422
_____. “Introduction to the Symposium on Jorge J. E. Gracia’s Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 27, no 2. 2001. 1-2
Appiah, K Anthony. “Reply to Gracia, Moody-Adams, and Nussbaum,” Journal of Social Philosophy, 37(2). Summer 2006. 314-322.
_____. “Race, Ethnicity, and Philosophy,” Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J.E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015.48-55
Bassham, Gregory. “Gracia on Divine Revelation,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 78(3), Summer 2004. 485-487
Bernstein, Richard J. “Comment on Hispanic/Latino Identity by J.J.E. Gracia,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 27, no 2. SAGE Publications. 2001. 44-50. Reprinted with revisions as “The Boundaries of Hispanic Identity,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 106-113.
_____. “La identidad hispano/latino,” Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política (Madrid), 16, 2000. 181-183
Blum, Lawrence. “Latinos on Race and Ethnicity: Alcoff, Corlett, and Gracia,” In A Companion to Latin American Philosophy, edited by Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte and Otávio Bueno. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. 269-282. Reprinted with revisions as “Race, Ethnicity, Nationality, and Philosophy,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 56-64
Bruin, J. “An Aristotelian Ontology of the Text: In Response to Jorge J.E. Gracia,” Symposium, 3, 1 (1999), 93-117
Carvalho, John M. “What Is Interpretation? Images and Thoughts about Philosophy and Art,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, 9(2), Spring 2010. 12-16
Corlett, J. Angelo. “Latino/a Identity,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, 1(1), Fall 2001. 97-104
Cumpa, Javier. “Gracia’s Reduction of Categories to Properties,” in Ontological Categories. Javier Cumpa and Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.). Ontos, 2011. 31-33
_____.“Theory of Categories as Based on the Principle of Acquaintance: A Critique of Jorge J. E. Gracia's Metaphysical Neutralism,” Pensamiento: Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 65(246), Serie Especial 3, 2009. 1123-1131
Degen, Wolfgang. “Metaphysics without Task,” Metaphysica: International Journal for Ontology and Metaphysics, 7(2), October 2006. 171-181
Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). New York: Rodopi NY. 2006.
_____. “Neo-Thomism and Gracia's Metaphysics,” in What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 2006. 75-87
Eisenberg, Paul . “La filosofía y su historia, de Jorge Gracia,” Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, 22, 1, 1996. 109–121
Frondizi, Risieri. “Reply to Professor Gracia’s ‘Frondizi’s Theory of the Self as a Dynamic Gestalt’,” Personalist, 57, Winter 1976. 72-75
García, J. L. A. “Is Being Hispanic an Identity? Reflections on J. J. E. Gracia’s Account,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 27, no. 2. SAGE Publications. 2001. 29-43. Reprinted with revisions as “Is Being Hispanic and Identity?” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 91-105
Glover, Adam. “Gracia's Painting Borges,” The Pluralist, 8, 2, 2013. 106-113
González, María Cristina and Stigol, Nora. “Gracia on Latino and Latin American Philosophy,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy: A Quarterly Journal of History, Criticism, and Imagination, 27(1), 2013. 79-90. Reprinted with revisions as “Latino and Latin American Philosophy,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 203-214
Gooding-Williams, Robert. “Comment on J. J. E. Gracia’s Hispanic/Latino Identity,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 27, no 2. 2001. 3-10. Reprinted with revisions as “Hispanic Identity, Its Origins, and Hispanic Philosophers,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 114-121
International Philosophical Quarterly. 48, no. 2. 2008. “Feature Book Discussion of Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality by Jorge J. E. Gracia,” 231-255
Irwin, William (ed.) “Jorge J. E. Gracia's How Can We Know What God Means?” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 78(3), Summer 2004. 481-498
Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Columbia University Press: New York. 2015.
Kronen, John D. “Spirits and 'Things': Ritschl's Critique of Metaphysics in Light of Gracia's Definition of Metaphysics,” in What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 2006. 145-177
Llorente, Renzo. “Gracia on Hispanic and Latino Identity,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy: A Quarterly Journal of History, Criticism, and Imagination, 27(1), 2013. 67-78. Reprinted with revisions as “Hispanics/Latinos, Labels, and Latino Philosophy,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 183-194
McCluskey, Colleen. “Gracia and the Question of Religious Relativism,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 78(3), Summer 2004. 487-492
McGary, Howard. “Gracia on Affirmative Action for Latinos,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy: A Quarterly Journal of History, Criticism, and Imagination, 27(1), 2013. 91-95. Reprinted with revisions as “Affirmative Action for Latinos,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 215-128
McInerny, Ralph M. “Foreword,” to What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 2006. xi-xii
Mendieta, Eduardo. “The ‘Second Reconquista,’ or Why Should a ‘Hispanic’ Become a Philosopher,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 27, no 2. 2001. 11-19. Reprinted with revisions as “The ‘Second Reconquista’,” Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 138-146
_____. “Etiquetas étnicas son identidades políticas,” Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política (Madrid), 16, 2000. 183-187
Millán, Elizabeth and Amy A. Oliver. “Toward an Appropriation of Latin American Philosophy: Jorge J. E. Gracia's Recovery Mission,” CR: The New Centennial Review, 14, 1, 2014. 245-258
Millán, Elizabeth and Rosen Velásquez, Ernesto. “Latino/a Identity and the Search for Unity: Alcoff, Corlett, and Gracia,” in Forging People: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in Hispanic American and Latino/a Thought. Jorge Gracia (ed.). University of Notre Dame Press: Indiana. 2011. 271-302
Moya, Paula. “Why I Am Not Hispanic: An Argument with Jorge Gracia,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, (2), Spring 2001. 100-105
Novotny, Daniel D. “Is Hume a Metaphysician?: Aristotle vs. Gracia,” What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 2006. 179-192
Nuccetelli, Susana. “Gracia on Ethnic Philosophy,” Inter-American Journal of Philosophy, 1(1), October 2010. 36-43. Reprinted with revisions as “Ethnic Philosophy and Latin American Philosophy,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 195-202
Ortega, Mariana. “A Philosophical Hermeneutics of Visual Art: On Gracia's Images of Thought, Philosophical Interpretations of Carlos Estévez's Art,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, 09(2), Spring 2010. 16-18
Outlaw Jr, Lucius T. “Writing a Check That 'Philosophy' Can't Cash?” International Philosophical Quarterly, 48:2(190), June 2008. 239-245. Reprinted with revisions in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 29-37
Pannier, Russell and Sullivan, Thomas D. “Gracia on the Ontological Status of Categories,” in What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 2006. 203-230
Pappas, Gregory. “A Philosophical Perspective on Hispanic Identity,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 27, no 2. 2001. 20-28. Reprinted with revisions as “The Role of Culture in Hispanic Philosophy,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Jaksić, Iván (ed.). Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 122-130
Park, Woosuk. “Understanding the Problem of Individuation: Gracia vs. Scotus,” in John Duns Scotus: Metaphysics and Ethics. Honnefelder, Ludger, et al. E. J. Brill: Leiden. 1996, 273-289.
Payne, Andrew. “Gracia and Aquinas on the Principle of Individuation,” Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 68(4), October 2004. 545-575
Philosophy and Social Criticism, 27, no 2. 2001. “Special section on Jorge Gracia’s Hispanic/Latino Identity.” 1-75
Redpath, Peter A. “Gracia and His Task,” in What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 2006. 95-127
Reichenbach, Bruce R. “The Hermeneutic Circle and Authorial Intention in Divine Revelation,” Sophia: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology and Ethics, 42(1), May 2003. 47-59
Sánchez, Carlos Alberto. “Philosophy and the Post-Immigrant Fear,” Philosophy in the Contemporary World, 18(1), Spring 2011. 31-42
Sanford, Jonathan J. “An Aristotelian Critique of Gracia's Metaphysics,” in What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 2006. 53-67
Schmitz, Kenneth. “La naturaleza actual de la filosofia se revela en su historia,” Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, 22, 1, 1996. 97–109
Seifert, Josef. “What Is Metaphysics and What Are Its Tasks? An Attempt to Answer This Question with Critical Reflections on Gracia's Book,” in What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY. 21-45
Stavans, Ilan. “The Language Prism,” in Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Columbia University Press: New York. 2015. 131-137
Sullivan, Thomas D and Pannier, Russell. “The Bounds of Metaphysics,” in What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 177). Delfino, Robert A. (ed.) New York: Rodopi NY.1-10
Tammelleo, Steven. “Continuity and Change in Hispanic Identity,” Ethnicities, 11, 4, December 2011. 536-554
Topuzián, Carlos “Critical Analysis of A Theory of Textuality,” Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 23, 1 (1996).
Velásquez, Ernesto Rosen. “Is the 'Common-Bundle View' of Ethnicity Problematic?” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 37(3), 20 . March 2011. 325-344
Vessey, David. “Reducing Religion to Theology: On Gracia on the Interpretation of Revealed Texts,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 78(3), Summer 2004. 482-485
Wells, N.J. “Esse cognitum and Suarez Revisited,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 67, 1993. 249-258
"Division and Dialogue: The Analytic/Continental Split and the History of Philosophy," SUNY Buffalo, April 24, 1993. Conference centered around Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical Historiography. Several commentators, including Rodolphe Gasché. Response by Jorge Gracia
Eastern Division American Philosophical Association Meetings Book Session devoted to Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical Historiography, Dec., 1994. Commentators: Kenneth Schmitz and Paul Eisenberg. Response by Jorge Gracia
Canadian Society for Hermeneutics Meetings Book Session devoted to A Theory of Textuality: The Logic and Epistemology and Texts: Ontological Status, Identity, Author, Audience, Sherbrook, Quebec, June 2, 1999. Speakers: J. Mitscherling and John Bruin. Response by Jorge Gracia. John Bruin's paper was published in Symposium 3, 1 (1999), 93-117
Inter-American Philosophical Society Congress Book Session devoted to Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective, Mexico, August 14, 1999. Participants: Raul Fornet-Betancourt, Eduardo Mendieta, Gregory Pappas, and Teodoro Ramírez. Puebla. Response by Jorge Gracia
Eastern Division American Philosophical Association Meetings Book Session devoted to Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective Boston, Dec. 29, 1999. Participants: Anne Freire Ashbaugh, Richard Bernstein, Jorge García, Robert Gooding-Williams, and Gregory Pappas. Response by Jorge Gracia
American Maritain Association Meetings in Notre Dame session devoted to Metaphysics and Its Task. October 21, 2000. Participants: Ralph McInerny, Thomas Sullivan, David Geivett, Robert Delfino, Jonathan Sanford, and John Kronen. Response y Jorge Gracia
Session at the American Catholic Philosophical Association Meetings in Albany, Nov. 10, 2001, devoted to How Can We Know What God Means? The Interpretation of Revelation. Participants: Gregory Bassham, David Vessey, Colleen McCluskey, and Bruce Reichenbach. Response by Jorge Gracia.
Session of the Society for Christian Philosophers at the American Academy of Religion meetings in Toronto, Nov. 25, 2002, devoted to How Can We Know What God Means? The Interpretation of Revelation. Participants: Kathryn J. S. Smith, Ian H. Henderson, and Alan G. Padgett. Response by Jorge Gracia
Session of the Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC, December 29, 2006, devoted to Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century. Participants: Linda M. Alcoff, Lucius Outlaw, and Elizabeth Millan. Response by Jorge Gracia.
Session of the Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia, PA, December 27, 2008, devoted to Latinos in America: Philosophy and Social Identity. Participants: Howard McGary, Susana Nuccetelli, Renzo Llorente, Maria Cristina Gonzalez and Nora Stigol. Response by Jorge Gracia.
Session of the Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, New York City, NY, December 28, 2009, devoted to Images of Thought: Philosophical Interpretations of Carlos Estevez's Art. Participants: Eduardo Mendieta, Mariana Ortega, and John Carvalho. Response by Jorge Gracia.
Session of conference on Ethnicity, Race and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, University of California at San Diego, Nov. 4, 2011, devoted to Gracia's (ed), Forging People: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in Hispanic American and Latino/a Thought. Participants: Janet Burke, Ted Humphrey, Jose Antonio Aguilar, Diego von Vacano, and Juliet Hooker.
"2012-2013 University at Buffalo Humanities Institute Scholar Session in honor of Jorge Gracia, "Interpreting Race, Art, and Literature: A Conversation between Appiah, Stavans, and Gracia," Humanities Institute, University at Buffalo, Sept 28, 2012. Participants: Anthony Appiah, Ilan Stavans, and Jorge Gracia.
Session of the Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC, January 6, 2016 , devoted to Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics. Participants: Susana Nuccetelli, Jaksić, Iván, Steven Tammelleo, Naomi Zack. Response by Jorge Gracia.
President of the American Catholic Philosophical Association and Jorge J. E. Gracia during the awards ceremony the Aquinas Medal.
Metaphysical Society of America Presidential Address included in a selection of 19 published in Brian G. Henning and David Kovacs, eds., Being in America: Sixty Years of the Metaphysical Society, 2014
Aquinas Medal, awarded by the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 2011
Included on a list of forty prominent philosophers in the history of Latin America, 1500-the present, published in the Blackwell Companion to Latin American Philosophy (2010)
Director, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, Oct. 1, 2005-Sept. 31, 2006, "We the People Project"
Director, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, Oct. 1 2004-Sept. 31, 2005
67th Aquinas Lecture at Marquette University, 2003
University at Buffalo Teaching and Learning Award, 2003
Aquinas Medal, awarded by the University of Dallas, on February 1, 2002, For Individuality: An Essay on the Foundations of Metaphysics (1988)
John N. Findlay Prize in Metaphysics, awarded by the Metaphysical Society of America in 1992
National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship, 1981-82
Major Grants
NDEA Fellowship, 1965-66
Province of Ontario Grant, 1966-68
PIMS Fellowship 1966-68
Canada Council Doctoral and Research Grant, 1968-71
SUNY Summer Research Fellowship and Grant in Aid, 1972
ACLS Travel Grant, Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, 1972
SUNY Summer Research Fellowship and Grant in Aid, 1974
SUNY Grant in Aid, 1975
ACLS Travel Grant, Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, 1977
SUNY Summer Research Fellowship, 1979
NEH Research Grant, 1981-82
Academia Nacional Argentina de Ciencias Grant, 1983
Goethe Institute Grant, 1983
New York Council for the Humanities Grant, 1987
SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines, 1987
SUNY Conferences on the Disciplines, 1987
SUNY Council on International Studies and Programs, 1987
SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines, 1999
SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines, 2000
NEH Grant to Direct Summer Institute, 2004-5
NEH Grant to Direct Summer Seminar, 2005-2006
Shangdon University Grant to organize Conference in Jinan, China, 2011
Special Lectures, Plenaries, Keynote Addresses, Author-Meet-Critics Sessions
1. "Concepción estructural del hombre," Plenary Session sponsored by the Argentinean Academy of Sciences, I Simposio de Antropología Filosófica, Buenos Aires, July 17-23, 1983
2. "The Future of Latin-American Studies," Presidential Address, IV Congress of the International Federation of Latin-American and Caribbean Studies, La Sorbonne, Paris, June 30, 1989
3. "Cutting the Gordian Knot of Ontology: Aquinas on Universals," Machette Lecture, Catholic University of America, November 2, 1990
4. "The Golden Century of Hispanic Philosophy," Keynote lecture. Conference on "Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery," Catholic University of America, Oct. 11, 1992
5. "Response to Schmitz and Eisenberg on Philosophy and Its History," APA session devoted to Philosophy and its History. Dec. 30, 1994
6. "Interpretations and the Scholastic Method," Madrette Lecture in Conference on Interpretations in the XIIth Century, Canisius College, April 30, 1995.
7. "Una metodología para la historia de la filosofía latinoamericana: El método del marco conceptual," Keynote speaker. Conference on Latin-American Historiography, Universidad de Iztapalapa, Mexico, Sept. 20, 1995
8. "Texts and Their Interpretation," Aquinas Lecture, Brock University, January 19, 1996
9. "Metaphysics: Is It about Words, Concepts, or Things?" Suárez Lecture, Fordham University, March 13, 1997
10. "The Ontological Status of the Attributes of Being: Suárez and Kant," Plenary Session of the International Congress on Medieval Philosophy, Erfurt, August 1997
11. "Hispanics in American Philosophy," Plenary Session, Conference on "Hispanics in the US: Cultural Locations," University of San Francisco, Oct. 11, 1997
12. "The Interpretation of Revealed Texts: Can We Know What God Means?" Presidential Address, ACPA, March 28, 1998
13, 14, and 15. "Interpretation and Revelation: Logical and Metaphysical Bases for an Ethics of Interpretation," "Ethical Issues in the Interpretation of Ethical Texts," and "Sociological Interpretations of Ethical Texts," Three Lectures in the Furst Franz Josef JJ.-Furstin Gina Vortragsreihe fur Philosophie, International Academy for Philosophy, Liechtenstein, 1998
16. "Philosophy in American Public Life: De facto and de jure," Special APA-sponsored session at the World Congress of Philosophy, August 12, 1998
17. "Suárez and the Language of Metaphysics," Plenary Lecture at the International Congress on Medieval Philosophy, SIEPM, Leuven, September 14, 1998
18. "Metafísica y ontología," Special Session at the First Ibero-American Congress of Philosophy, Caceres/Madrid, Sept. 21, 1998
19 and 20. "Ethnicity and the Politics of Difference" and "Ethnic Conflict in a Democratic Society," Moreau Lectures, King's College, October 20, 1998
21. "Response to My Critics," in a session devoted to A Theory of Textuality and Texts, at the Meetings of the Canadian Society for Hermeneutics, Sherbrooke, Quebec, June 2, 1999
22. "Respuesta a mis críticos," in a session devoted to Hispanic/Latino Identity at the Meetings of the Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Puebla, Mexico, August 21, 1999
23. "Filosofía latinoamericana: Una historia por escribirse," Plenary Session of the Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Puebla, Mexico, August 20, 1999
24. " Hispanic/Latino Culture in the US," Plenary Session at the III International Congresss of Inter-Cultural Philosophy, Aachen, Germany, Nov. 24, 1999
25. "Response to My Critics," in a session devoted to Hispanic/Latino Identity at the Meetings of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, Boston, Dec. 29, 1999
26. "Response to My Critics," in a session of the Gilson Society for the History of Philosophy at the American Maritain Association Meetings, devoted to Metaphysics and Its Task, Oct. 21, 2000
27. "What's in a Name?" response to papers in a session of SILAT, at the Eastern Divison meetings of the APA on Hispanic/Latino Identity, Dec. 28, 2000
28. "Are Categories Invented or Discovered? A Response to Foucault," Presidential Address of the Metaphysical Society of America, Buffalo, NY, March 10, 2001
29. "The Relational Nature of Theological Interpretations," Keynote address at the Society for Christian Philosophers meetings, St. John Fisher College, NY, March 2, 2001
30. "The APA, Then and Now," Invited paper for 100th anniversary celebration session, APA Pacific Division Meetings, March 29, 2001
31. "Revealed Truth and the Community of Believers: The Nature of Theological Interpretations," Plenary Session of the 25th anniversary of the American Maritain Association, American Maritain Association meetings, Boca Raton, Oct. 20, 2001
32. "Response to Critics of How Can We Know What God Means?," Book session at the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Nov. 10, 2001
33. "Relativismo en la interpretación," Plenary Session, Congreso de la Asociación Filosófica de México, Mexico City, August 16, 2001
34. "Tradition and the Hermeneutic Circle: The Case of Revelation," University of Dallas Aquinas Lecture, Feb 1, 2002
35. "The Oreo Cookie Phenomenon: Race vs. Ethnicity," Plenary Lecture, "Calibrations: Sizing up Spaces, Communities, and Selves," Conference at Texas A&M University, April 5-7, 2002
36. "The Reality of Race: A Question of Science or Philosophy?" Aldo Tassi Lecture, Loyola College, Baltimore, Feb. 21, 2002
37. "Latinos and Leadership," Keynote Speaker, Latinos Unidos Banquet, Oct. 25, 2002
38. "The Good and the Bad: The Quest for Happiness in The Lord of the Rings," Classical Philosophy Lecture series, Loras College, Nov. 7, 2002
39. "The Reality of Race: A Question of Science or Philosophy?" Albert the Great Lecture, Niagara University, Oct. 30, 2002
40. "Response to the Critics of How Can We Know What God Means?" American Academy of Religion meetings in Toronto, session of the SCP, Nov. 23, 2002
41. "Old Wine in New Skins," 67th Marquette University Aquinas Lecture, Feb. 23, 2003
42. "Old Wine in New Skins: Tradition and the Problem of Communication," Edith Stein Lecture, Franciscan University, Jan. 23, 2003
43. "How Can We Know What God Means? Gibson's Take on the Gospels," Rossner Lecture, Rockhurst University, April 6, 2004
44. "Latin America at the Crossroads: The Question of Identity," Keynote Speaker, Midwest Association of Latin American Studies, Nov. 12, 2004
45. "La ontología de la individualidad según Tomás de Aquino," Plenary Session, X Latin American Congress of Medieval Philosophy, Santiago, Chile, April 22, 2005
46. "Hispanic/Latino Identity: Globalism vs. Particularism," University Lecture, Scranton University, March 16, 2005
47. "Gibson vs. Coppola: Film Interpretations of Texts," Plenary session, Conference, University of Central Florida, April 3, 2005
48. "Hispanic/Latino Identity: The Ethical Implications," Lincoln Center for the Study of Ethics, Arizona State University, May 4, 2005
49. "Suárez and Categories in Scholasticism," Keynote Speaker, 2006 Annual Conference on Christian Philosophy, Franciscan University of Steubenville, March 25, 2006
50. "Response to Alcoff and Outlaw," Author-Meet-Critics Session, APA Eastern Division Meetings, Washington, DC, Dec 29, 2006
51. "Can Latinos Be American?," Blanchard Means Lecture, Trinity College, February 21, 2008
52. "Response to My Critics," Author-Meets-Critics Session, APA Eastern Division Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, Dec., 2008
53. "Racist or Advocate: The Ambiguity of Racism," Ian Moore Memorial Lecture, Towsen University, Baltimore, April 3, 2009
54. "Response to My Critics," Author-Meets-Critics Session, APA Eastern Division Meetings, New York City, December 28, 2009
55. "The Role of Philosophy in Contemporary Society: The Challenges of Science, Religion, and Culture," Forum of the Masters, Shandong University, June 1, 2011
56. "Does Philosophy Have Role to Play in Contemporary Society? The Challenges of Science and Culture," Aquinas Medal Lecture, St Louis, October 29, 2011
57. "Forging People: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in Hispanic American and Latino Thought," McMurray Lecture in Philosophy, Monroe Community College, Rochester, Nov. 11, 2011
58. "What Is Metaphsyics? A Metaphysics of Being," University of Bamberg, Germany, August 8, 2012
59. "What Is Metaphysics? A Metaphysics of Concepts," University of Bamberg, Germany, August 9, 2012
60. "What Is Metaphysics? A Neutral Metaphysics," University of Bamberg, Germany, August 10, 2012
61. "Interpreting Race, Art, and Literature: Response to Appiah and Stavans," Scholar Session, Humanities Institute, University at Buffalo, Sept. 28, 2012
62. "Latin American Philosophy in the United States: Past, Present, and Future," Fleishhacker Chair Lecture, University of San Francisco, April 18, 2015
63. "Danto abnd Borges on the Identity of a Work of Art," Fleishhacker Chair Lecture, University of San Francisco, April 17, 2015
64. "Science [or] Fiction," Keynote Speaker, COL Undergraduate Conference:. Science [or Fiction. April 24, 2015
65. "La Interpretacion de la Literatura, el Arte, y la Filosofia: Literatura, Arte y Filosofia," Catedra Topicos, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Feb. 8, 2016
66. "La Interpretacion de la Literatura, el Arte, y la Filosofia: Interpretacion," Catedra Topicos, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Feb. 9, 2016
67. "La Interpretacion de la Literatura, el Arte, y la Filosofia: Problemas y Estrategias," Catedra Topicos, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Feb. 10, 2016
68. "La Interpretacion de la Literatura, el Arte, y la Filosofia: Los Limites de la Interpretacion," Catedra Topicos, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Feb. 11, 2-16
69. "Response to Jaksic, Tammeleo, and Zack," in APA session: A Conversation with Jorge Gracia, Jan. 7, 2016
1. "A Neo-Scholastic Argument for the Existence of God," State University of New York at Buffalo, January 1971
2. "The Problem of Necessary Reasons in the Middle Ages: Anselm and Llull," University of Rochester, March 1971
3. "The Ways and Means of Drinking Wine According to Francesc Eiximenis," VIth Medieval Conference, University of Western Michigan, May 1971
4. "Origen y auge de la filosofía didático-popular en la España medieval," Congreso Internacional de Filosofía medieval, September 1972
5. "Cultura y valor," Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, November 1972
6. "El valor como cualidad relacional," Departmento de Filosofía, Universidad de Puerto Rico, May 1973
7. "Criticism of the Structural Conception of the Self," American Philosphical Association, Western Division Meetings, April 1974
8. "A Being Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Thought," IXth Medieval Conference, University of Western Michigan, May 1974
9. "Thomas, Thomists, and Christian Philosophy," Philosophy Conference, Wheaton College, October 1974
10. "Suárez's Criticism of the Thomistic Principle of Individuation," Congresso di S. Tommaso de Aquino nel suo VII Centenario, Rome, April 1974
11. "Philosophical Anthropology in Latin America," Department of Philosophy, University of New Mexico, February 1975
12. "A XXth Century Attack on Man's Rationality: The Perspectivity of Knowledge and Truth," Conference on Contemporary Irrationalism, Lock Haven State College, May 1, 1975
13. "Ontological Characterization of the Man-Created Nature Relation in Eriugena's Thought," Second Ohio Conference on Medieval Studies, October 1975
14. Same paper as above, read at Cleveland State Unviversity, February 1976
15. "Ramon Llull: El misionero, como filósofo," II International Congress of Llullism, Palma, Mallorca, October 19-24, 1976
16. "The Principle of Identity in Thomistic Metaphysics," Third Ohio Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Cleveland, Ohio, October 11-13, 1976
17. "Ontological Characterization of the Man-Created Nature Relation in Eriugena's Thought," XIth Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May 1976
18. "What the Individual Adds to the Common Nature," Fourth Annual Ohio Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Cleveland, Ohio, October 1977
19. "La naturaleza ontológica del valor," Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Caracas, June 1977
20. "Philosophy and Literature in Latin America," Spanish Department Club, SUNY at Buffalo, 1977
21. "What the Individual Adds to the Common Nature," XIIIth Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May 1978
22. "Value as a Relational Quality," Philosophy Department, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, May 4, 1979
23. "Boethius on Individuation," PMR Conference, Villanova University, September 26, 1979
24. "Boethius on Individuation," Pavia Conference on Boethius, October 7, 1980
25. "Eriugena on Individuation," PMR Conference, Villanova University, September 1980
26. "Abailard and the Problem of Individuation in the Middle Ages," APA-Pacific Division Meetings, San Francisco, March 28, 1980
27. "Gilbert of Poitiers and the Problem of Individuation," Society for Neo-Platonic Studies session, APA-Western Division Meetings, Milwaukee, WI April 23, 1981
28. "Thierry of Chartres and the Problem of Individuation," Session of Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy," APA-Eastern Division Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, December 27, 1981
29. "El problema de la filosofía latinoamericana," Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Tallahassee, October 18-23, 1981
30. "Individuals as Instances," X Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Tallahassee, October 18-23, 1981
31. "Thierry of Chartres and the Problem of Individuation," Department of Philosophy, Emory University, Febraury 9, 1982
32. "Neo-Platonic Elements in Eriugena's Doctrine of Individuation," XVIIth Conference on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1982
33. "Thomas and Christian Philosophy," Conference on Faith and Reason in the Middle Ages, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY, October 14, 1982
34. "Evil as Privation," Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, October 28, 1982
35. "El problema de la filosofía latinoamericana," University of St. Thomas, October 28, 1982
36. "The Problem of Individuation," Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, October 30, 1982
37. "The Problem of Latin American Philosophy," Latin American Student Association, SUNY at Buffalo, November 17, 1982
38. "Philosophical Analysis in Latin America," SILAT session, APA Eastern Division Meetings, Baltimore, MD, December 29, 1982
39. "Commentator on Ihde's `Ortega and Phenomenology,'" SUNY at Buffalo, March 11, 1983
40. "Commentator on Kelly's `Aquinas' petitio," APA-Western Division Meetings, April 30, 1983
41. "El problema de la identidad filosófica en América Latina," Seminario de Filosofía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, September 19, 1983
42. "Panorama actual de la filosofía latinoamericana," (in two parts), Jornadas sobre la Filosofía Hoy en Alemania y en América Latina, sponsored by the Sociedad Argentina de Filosofía and the Instituto Goethe, Córdola, Argentina, September 22, 1983
43. "El análisis filosófico en América Latina," same place as previous, September 22, 1983
44. "El problema de la identidad filosófica en América Latina," same place as previous, September 24, 1983.
45. "Universals as Instantiables," St. Bonaventure University, March 9, 1984
46. "La influencia de la lógica en la metafísica: Abelardo y la individualidad," Congreso Interamericano de Filosofía, Mexico, November 1985
47. "Risieri Frondizi: el hombre y su aporte," Congreso Interamericano de Filosofía, Mexico City, November 1985
48. "Los problemas de la enseñanza de la filosofía en América Latina," Congreso Interamericano de Filosofía, Mexico City, November 1985
49. "El Indice de Filósofos Latinoamericanos," Congreso Interamericano de Filosofía, Mexico City, November 1985
50. "La extensión de la individualidad," Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, November 19, 1985
51. "The Nature of Philosophy," Univ. de Lima, Peru, November 22, 1986
52. "Jenks' Interpretation of Thomas' Principle of Individuation," Commentary on APA symposium paper, December 29, 1986
53. "Philosophy and Its History: Veatch's Aristotle," conference "Doing Philosophy Historically," Buffalo, April 1987
54. "Hispanic Achievements and Hispanic Identity," Hispanic Heritage Week Conference, Albany, NY, September 18, 1987
55. "The Problem of Philosophical Identity in Latin America," session arranged by APA Committee on Int. Cooperation, APA Eastern Division Meetings, December 1987
56. "The Centrality of the Individual in the Philosophy of the XIVth Century," Conference on The Discovery of the Individual in the XIVth Century, Ohio State University, February 24, 1988
57. "The Centrality of the Individual in the Philosophy of the XIVth Century," Catholic University of America, December 16, 1988
58. "John of St. Thomas and the Problem of Individuation," SMRP session, APA Eastern Division Meetings, Washington, DC, December 28, 1988
59. "The History of Philosophy and Truth," University of Florida at Gainesville, January 20, 1989
60. "The History of Philosophy and Truth," University of Ottawa, March 17, 1989
61. "Los textos y su interpretación," V Congreso Nacional de Filosofía, Xalapa, Mexico City, October 2-6, 1989
62. Commentator on A. Donoso's, "The Impact of Ortega and His Disciples," Meetings of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, March 1990
63. "The Historiography of Latin American Ideas," University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, March 16, 1991
64. "Scholasticism: A Bridge between Classical Antiquity and Colonial Latin American Thought," Univ. of Puerto Rico, Oct. 24, 1991
65. "Texts and Their Interpretation," University of Puerto Rico, Oct. 25, 1991
66. "The Recovery of the Past," University of Puerto Rico, Oct. 28, 1991
67. "The History of Philosophy and the Future of Philosophy," University of Puerto Rico, Oct. 29, 1991
68. "Texts and Their Interpretation," University of St. Thomas, Feb. 11, 1992
69. "The Ontology of Texts," University of St. Thomas, Feb. 12, 1991
70. "Suárez and the Transcendentals," University of St. Thomas, Feb. 13, 1992
71. "Suárez and the Transcendentals," PMS Conference, Villanova University, Sept. 25, 1992
72. "El pensamiento utópico latinoamericano: La idea de la liberación," Universidad de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Oct. 2, 1992
73. "Philosophy and Its History," University at Buffalo, April 24, 1992
74. "The Ontology of Texts," St. John's University, March, 1993
75. "Can There Be Definitive Interpretations?" Conference on "European Philosophy and the American Academy," Racine, WI, Hegeler Institute, Feb. 1993
76. "Can There Be Definitive Interpretations?" Penn State, Feb. 24, 1993
77. "How Do I Know the Meaning of a Text?" Geneseo State College, Sept. 30, 1993
78. "Breaking the Hermeneutic Circle: How Do I Know the Meaning of a Text?" Undergraduate Philosophy Club, SUNY at Buffalo, Nov. 9, 1993
79. Hispanic Thought and European Culture," Kutztown University, Nov. 19, 1993
80. Can There Be Texts without Authors?" Kutztown University, Nov. 18, 1993
81. "Lessons from the Development of the Problem of Individuation in the Middle Ages" Boston College, Feb. 7, 1994
82. "The Ontology of the Scotistic Individuating Entity," International Conference on Scotus, University of Bonn, March 15, 1994
83. "The Nature of Texts," University of Notre Dame, July 18, 1994
84. "The Role of Tradition in the Understanding of Texts," University of Notre Dame, July 20, 1994
85. "Individuality and Individuation," New York University, Oct. 31, 1994
86. "Can There Be Definitive Interpretations?" University at Buffalo, Feb. 22, 1995
87. "Philosophical Identity and Social Change," University of Aachen, Aachen, Germany, March, 1995
88. "Can There Be Definitive Interpretations?" University of South Carolina, April 7, 1995
89. "Philosophical Historiography and the Development of Philosophical Ideas," Rutgers University, July 26, 1995
90. "Latino Identity and Latin American Philosophy," Rutgers University, July 27, 1995
91. "La sociedad y la interpretación de la ley," Univ. de Lima, Peru, Aug. 20, 1995
92. "¿Dónde está el Quijote?" Univ. Nac. de Mexico, Nov. 9, 1995
93. "Los límites del significado textual," Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Filosófica de México, Nov. 15, 1995
94. "Existen Interpretaciones Definitivas de Textos?" Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, March 26, 1996
95. "Existen Interpretaciones Definitivas de Textos?" Universidad de Navarra, Spain, March 27, 1996
96. Existen Interpretaciones Definitivas de Textos?" Universidad de Valencia, Spain, April 1, 1996
97. "Definitive Interpretations and Sacred Texts," Soc. for Christian Philosophers, ACPA Convention, March 23, 1996
98. "The Limits of Textual Interpretation," Fordham University, February 3, 1997.
99. "El concepto de filosofiá hispánica," Madrid, April 1997
100. "Averroes on the Interpretation of the Law," session of Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, March 1997
101. "Ontological, Epistemological, and Linguistic Approaches to Universals: Porphyry, Boethius, and Abailard," session in honor of E. Synan, Kalamazoo Conference on Medieval Studies, May 8, 1997
102. "Texts: Ontological Status, Identity, Author, Audience," Fordham University, October 8, 1997
103. Ontological, Epistemological, and Linguistic Approaches to Universals: Porphyry, Boethius, and Abailard," Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University, Sept. 18, 1997
104. "Categories," Leuven University, December 4, 1997
105. "Borges' Pierre Menard: Philosophy or Literature?" APA Eastern Division Meetings, December 28, 1997
106. "The Interpretation of Revealed Texts," St. Francis Xavier, January 19, 1998
107. "Sociological Accounts and the History of Philosophy," St. Francis Xavier, January 20, 1998
108. "Sociological Accounts and the History of Philosophy?" The New School, April 28, 1998
109. "Sociological Accounts and the History of Philosophy?" World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, August, 1998
110. "Análisis socioculturales en la historia del pensamiento filosófico: El desafió del 98," Salamanca, Spain, Sept. 25, 1998
111. "Metaphysics and Its Task," Internationale Akademie fur Philosophie, Liechtenstein, September 16, 1998
112. "Affirmative Action for Hispanics/Latinos? Yes and No," in Capen Symposium on "Ethnic Identity, Culture and Group Rights," University at Buffalo, Oct. 3, 1998
113. "The Nature of Metaphysics," Dpt of Philosophy, SUNY Buffalo, Oct. 29, 1998
114-117. Four seminars on La filosofia y su historia, Universidad de Michoacán, Morelia, Feb. 24-27, 1999
118. "La naturaleza de las categorías: El error de Suárez, Kant y Ryle," Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM, Mexico City, March 4, 1999
119. "Socioculturalismo y antisocioculturalismo en la historia de la filosofía: Un falso dilema," Univ. Panamericana, March 8, 1999
120. "Diálogo de cubanos," participation in a panel with Cuban intellectuals, Mexico City, March 5-7
121. "Philosophy in the Americas: Reconsiderations," participation in panel at Haverford College, April 17, 1999
122. "Philosophy in American Public Life," Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, April 27, 1999
123. "Philosophy in American Public Life," People's University, Beijing, April 28, 1999
124. "Philosophy in American Public Life," Beijing University, April 29, 1999
125. "Can We Know What God Means?" Baptist University of Hong Kong, May 19, 1999
126. "Philosophy in American Public Life," University at Buffalo, Sept. 16, 1999
127. "Borges' Pierre Menard: Philosophy or Literature?" II Samuel Capen Symposium, Univ. at Buffalo, Oct. 2, 1999
128. "Hispanics, Philosophy and the Curriculum," SPEP Meetings, Eugene, CA, Oct. 7, 1995
129. "Ethnic Labels and Philosophy," SPEP Meetings, Eugene, Oregon, Oct. 8, 1999
130. "Ethnic Philosophies," University of San Francisco, Oct. 21, 1999
131. "The Enlightening Gloss: Gilson and the History of Philosophy," Gilson Society for the Study of the History of Philosophy, Berkeley, California, Oct. 22, 1999
132. "Hispanic/Latino Identity: Foreigners in Our Own Land," Lake Forest College," Oct. 28, 1999
133. Participation in Workshop on Latin-American Philosophy, Lake Forest College, Oct. 29, 1999
134. "Hispanic/Latino Identity: Foreigners in Our Own Land," Austin College, Nov. 10, 1999
135. "Relativism in Interpretation," International Institute for Philosophy, Liechtenstein, Nov. 15, 1999
136. "Metaphysics and Its Task," University of Fribourg, Nov. 17, 1999
137. "Metaphysics and Its Task," Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Nov. 18, 1999
138. "Ethnic Conflict, Identity, and the Politics of Difference," Institute for Peace Studies, Oslo, Nov. 24, 1999
139. "Metaphysics and Its Task," Dpt of Philosophy, Univ. of Oslo, Nov. 25, 1999
140. "The Role of the History of Philosophy in Latin American Philosophy," SILAT session, APA Eastern Division Meetings, Boston, Dec. 28, 1999
141. "Recruiting Minorities in Philosophy," APA Eastern Division Meetings, Dec. 30, 1999
142. "Hispanic/Latino Identity," Le Moyne College, Feb. 15, 2000
143. "Hispanic/Latino Identity," Carleton College, March 7, 2000
144. "Anselm: Ratio quaerens beatitudinem," Cornell Summer Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, June 2, 2000
145. "La contribucion de Ardao y Roig al desarrollo de la autoconciencia filosófica latinoamericana," Jornada Internacional sobre Reforma Universitaria, Democracia e Integración, Buenos Aires, June 15, 2000
146. "Lo literario en la literatura," Quinto Coloquio Internacional Bariloche de Filosofía, June 30, 2000
147. "Affirmative Action for Hispanics: Yes and No," Kenyon College, Sept. 14, 2000
148. "Borges' Pierre Menard: Philosophy or Literature?" Kenyon College, Sept. 15, 2000
149. "Hispanic/Latino Identity," Kenyon College, Sept. 16, 2000
150. "Anselm: Ratio quaerens beatitudinem," Capen Symposium, University at Buffalo, Sept. 30, 2000
151. "The Logic of the History of Ideas or the Sociology of the History of Belief?" Society for the History of Philosophy, APA Eastern Division Meetings, Dec. 28, 2000
152. "Ethnicity and the Politics of Difference," Calvin College, Feb. 22, 2001
153. Ethnicity and the Politics of Difference," Colgate University, April 16, 2001
154. "Philosophy in the Market Place," APA Central Division Meetings, Soc. for Gays and Lesbians, with Martha Nussbaum, Linda Alcoff, and David Hull, May 4, 2001
155. "The Philosophy Curriculum and World Cultures," Aachen Symposium, June 12, 2001
156. "Ratio quarerens beatitudinem," Dpt. of Philosophy, University of Connecticut, Oct. 5, 2001
157. "Ratio quaerens beatitudinem," SMRP session at APA Eastern Div. Meetings, Dec. 28, 2001
158. "Philosophical Encyclopedias," SILAT session at APA Eastern Div. Meetings, Dec. 29, 2001
159. "Integrating Latin-American Philosophy in the College Curriculum," APA Committee on Teaching, APA Eastern Division Meetings, Dec. 30, 2001
160. "Categories vs. Genera: Suárez's Difficult Balancing Act" Medieval Academy of America Meetings, New York City, April 4, 2002
161. "A Hispanic or a Latino Threat? The Politics of Ethnic Groups," Millersville University, April 8, 2002
162. "Individuation of Racial and Ethnic Groups," Dpt of Philosophy, University of Iowa, April 11, 2003
163. "Linguistic Priority in the Education of Children," Eleatic Society, Iowa City, April 12, 2003
164. "Categories," Dpt of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, May 20, 2002
165. "Anselm on Rationality and Happiness," Marquette Midwest Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Feb 24, 2003
166. "Language Priority in the Education of Children," APA Central Division Meetings, April 24, 2003
167. "Prioridad lingüística en la educación de los niños," Inter American Congress of Philosophy, Lima, Jan. 13, 2004
168. "From Horror to Hero: Film Interpretations of Bram Stoker's Dracula," Fifth Samuel P. Capen Symposium in Philosophy, April 2, 2004
169. "Commentator on session on Historiography of Philosophy," ACPA, Nov. 2004
170. "Film Interpretations of the Scriptures: Theology and Gibson's The Passion of the Christ," ACPA session at APA Eastern Division Meetings, Dec. 29, 2004
171. "Hispanic Identities: The Global vs. the Particular Dilemma," Rice University, Feb. 26, 2005
172. "Hispanic/Latino Identity?" Kansas State University, March 10, 2005
173. "Can Ethnic and Racial Groups Be Effectively Individuated? Kansas State University, March 11, 2005
174. "Individuality and Individuation According to Aquinas: An Ontological Analysis," School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, March 18, 2005
175. "Analytic Philosophy and the History of Philosophy in Latin America," APA Pacific Division Meetings, March 26, 2005
176. "Can Ethnic and Racial Groups Be Effectively Individuated?" The VI Capen Symposium in Philosophy, University at Buffalo, April 2, 2005
177. "Hispanic Identities: The Global vs. the Particular," California Round Table on Philosophy and Race, September 24, 2005
178. "Commentator-Critic on Author-Meets-Critic session on Appiah's The Ethics of Identity," APA Eastern Division, December 28, 2005
179. "Group Identities: The Global vs. the Particular," APA Eastern Division, Maritain Association, December 29, 2005
180. "The NEH Institute on Latin American Philosophy," APA Committee for Hispanics, December 2005
181. "Can Racial and Ethnic Groups Be Individuated?" APA Central Division Meetings, April 29, 2006
182. "Hispanic Identities: Latino/a, Cuban, Mexican," Caribbean Philosophy Covention, Montreal August 2, 2006
183. "Latin American Philosophical Historiography," Pan-American University, Texas, Oct 6, 2006
184. "Dilemmas in Latin American Philosophy," Pan-American University, Texas, Oct 7, 2006
185. "History and Philosophy in Latin America," Pan-American University, Texas, Oct 7, 2006
186. "Hispanic/Latino Identities," Dominican University, October 19, 2006
187. "Art and Social Identity," Kutztown University, December 1, 2006
188. "The Individuation of Races and Ethne," Arizona State University, January 11, 2007
189. "Identity in Art," The College of the Holy Cross, January 24, 2007
190. "Aquinas and Christian Philosophy," Ave Maria College, February 9, 2007
191. "Border Identities," Texas A&M University Conference on Immigration in the U.S., Feb 23, 2007
192. "The Language of Hispanic/Latino Identity", St Olaf's College, March, 2007
193. "The Ontology of Categories," Bolzano, Italy, Sept 29, 2007
194. "Art, Ethnicity, and Alberto Rey," Art Studio Gallery, Case Western University, Nov. 2, 2007
195. "Comment on Jose Medina's 'Gender Supervision and the Epistemolgy of Ignorance,'" Out of the Cube: Aesthetic, Philosophical, and Discursive Approaches to Gendered Identities, conference organized by Margarita Vargas, University at Buffalo, Sept. 26, 2008
196. "Racial and Ethnic Names," American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings, February 18, 2009
197. "Individuation of Social Groups from a Scholastic Perspective," Catholic University of America, April 2, 2009
198. "Beyond Multiculturalism: Race and Ethnicity in a Nation," Symposium in Berlin, June 4, 2009
199. "Latin American Philosophy in the US: Past Present and Future," American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meetings, Dec 28, 2009
200. "Sotomayor on the Interpretation of the Law: Why She is Right for the Supreme Court," American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meetings, Dec 29, 2009
201. "Pintando a Borges: La interpretacon artistica de la literatura," Symposium opening, Pabellon de las Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, May 23, 2010.
202. "Jorge Luis Borges: 24 interpretaciones artisticas de 12 ficciones," Gallery Guided Visit, Pabellon de las Bellas Artes (UCA), Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, June 23, 2010
203. "Transcendentales y categorias en la metafisica de Suarez," in SIEPM Cngress, Porto Alegre, 2012.
204. "The Presence of the Absent in Interpretation," American Philosophical Association, Dec 28, 2011
205. "The Cultural Interpretation of the Classics in the East and the West," Eastern Normal University, Shanghai, China, May 27, 2011
206. "The Cultural Interpretation of the Classics in the East and the West," Shandong University, Jinan, China, June 2, 2011
207. "Relational Interpretations in Literature and Art," Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics, Shandong University, Jinan, China, June 3, 2011
208. "The Cultural Interpretation of the Classics in the East and the West," Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, June 8, 2011
209. "The Presence of the Absent in Interpretation," Academy for Philosophy, Liechtenstein, Sept 13, 2011
210. "Forging People: Race and Ethnicity in Latin-American and Latino Thought," EPA Conference, Univ of California at San Diego, Nov. 4, 2011
211. "The Presence of the Absent in Interpretation: Destefanis and Celma on Borges's 'The Gospel According to Mark,'" American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting, Washington, DC, Dec. 28, 2011
212. "Painting Borges: Art Interpreting Literature," College of the Holy Cross, Jan 31, 2012
213. "Racial, Ethnic, National, and Cultural Identities: Caricatures and Conflicts," in "Trending Race: Shaping and Embracing Black and Brown Identity," Arizona State University, March 28-30, 2012
214. "Latin American Philosophy in the United States," in "Philosophy without Borders," Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL, April 6, 2012
215. "Painting Borges," Texas A&M University, September 21?, 2012
216. "Identity in Latino Art," Historical Society, Buffalo, Sept 26, 2012
217. "Painting Borges," Abud Foundation for the Arts, Lawrenceville, NJ, November 21, 2012
218. "The Impact of Ethnicity and Race on Latino/a Philosophy," in "Latino/a Philosopher, A National Symposium," Stony Brook University, March 15, 2013
219. "Painting Borges," American University, Washington, DC, April 9, 2013
220. "Bridging the Philosophical Gap Between East and West: History of Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy," A Symposium on Comparative Philosophy, Seoul, June 13, 2013
221. "What Is Metaphysics? Lessons from Two Scholastics," Yonsei University, Seoul, June 19, 2013
222. "Bridging the Philosophical Gap Between East and West: History of Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy," Chinese Philosophy and the Way of Living, 18th International Conference of the International Scoiety for Chinese Philosophy, July 24, 2013
223. "Painting Borges: A Matter of Interpretation," UB Anderson Gallery, November 7, 2013
224. "Painting Borges and Conversation with Ilan Stavans on Latino Art," Feb 22, 2014
225. "Unlocking Literature Through Art and Philosophy," Purdue, April 4, 2014
226. "Danto and Borges on the Identity of a Work of Literatur," Kansas State April 7, 2014
227. "Unlocking Literature Through Art and Philosophy," Kansas State, April 8, 2014
228. "Latinos in the Making," College of the Holy Cross, April 14, 2014
229. "Affirmative Action for Latinos," College of the Holy Cross, April 15, 2014
230. "Principle of Semantic Equivalence and the Language of Philosophical Analysis," Harvard, April 18, 2014
American Philosophical Association (APA)
Member, Advisory Committee to the Program Committee, 2014-
Member, Committee for Hispanics in Philosophy, 2010-2013
Member, Nominating Committee, Eastern Division, 2008-10
Member, Executive-Director Search Committee, 2002
Nominated for Vice-President, President Elect, Eastern Division, 2000
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Progress and Priorities, 1998-2000
Member, Executive Committee, Eastern Division, 1996-99
Chair, Program Committee, Eastern Division, 1993
Member, James Prize Committee, 1993
Founding Chair, Committee for Hispanics in Philosophy, 1991-95
Member, Program Committee, Eastern Division, 1992
Member, Advisory Committee to Program Committee, 1990-93
Member, Committee on International Cooperation, 1981-84
Delegate to Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Caracas, June 1977
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (SMRP)
President, 1991-93
Vice President, 1989-91
Member, Executive Committee, 1986-97
Chair, Program Committee, 1989-91
Chair, Nominating Commitee, 1993-95
Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought (SILAT)
Member, Publications Committee, 1994-2000
President, 1986-88
Member, Program Committee, 1987-88
Member, Nominating Committee, 1987
Vice President, 1984-86
Member, Executive Committee, 1982-95
Federación Internacional de Estudios sobre América Latina y el Caribe (FIEALC)
President, 1987-89
Chair, Organizing and Program Committees, III Congress, 1987
American Catholic Philosophical Association (ACPA)
Member, Nominations Committee, 2000
Member, Publications Committee, 1999-2000
Member, Finance Committee, 1998-2000
President, 1997-98
Vice President, 1996-97
Chair, Program Committee, 1987
Member, Machette Prize Committee, 1987
Member, Executive Council, 1983-86
Member, Committee on Job Placement and Membership, 1980-82
Sociedad Filosófica Iberoamericana (SOFIA)
Member, Directiva, 1985-95
Metaphysical Society of America (MSA)
President, 2000-01
Vice President, 1999-2000
Councillor, 1995-98
Chair, John N. Findlay Prize Committee, 1995
Member, Program Committee, 1992-93
Societé Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM)
Member, Organizing Committee of VIIIth International Congress, Ottawa 1992
Member, Organizing Committee of IXth International Congress, Boston, 1995-96
International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP)
Member, Program Committee, XXth World Congress of Philosophy (Boston 1998), 1994-98
American Philosophical Association (APA)
Member, Advisory Committee to the Program Committee, 2014-
Member, Committee for Hispanics in Philosophy, 2010-2013
Member, Nominating Committee, Eastern Division, 2008-10
Member, Executive-Director Search Committee, 2002
Nominated for Vice-President, President Elect, Eastern Division, 2000
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Progress and Priorities, 1998-2000
Member, Executive Committee, Eastern Division, 1996-99
Chair, Program Committee, Eastern Division, 1993
Member, James Prize Committee, 1993
Founding Chair, Committee for Hispanics in Philosophy, 1991-95
Member, Program Committee, Eastern Division, 1992
Member, Advisory Committee to Program Committee, 1990-93
Member, Committee on International Cooperation, 1981-84
Delegate to Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Caracas, June 1977
EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES (other than those listed under publications)
Reviewing Staff, Choice, 1971-82
Reviewing Staff, Mathematical Reviews, 1973-79
Editorial Board, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1981- 2007
Editorial Board, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, 1984-
Editorial Board, Cuadernos de Etica, 1985-
Editorial Board, Estudios Lulianos, 1987-95
Editorial Board, SUNY Press, 1985-88
Editor, Newsletter of Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, 1986-89
Editorial Board, Analogía: Revista de Filosofía, 1987-
Advisory Board, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, formerly The New Scholasticism, 1989-2000, 2012-2015
Coordinating Board, Concordia (Aachen), 1989-
Editorial Board, Medievalia, 1991-
Editorial Board, Philosophia Scientifica, 1991-95
In charge of U.S. section of Anuario Bibliográfico de Historia del Pensamiento Ibero e Iberoamericano, 1988-94
Collaborating Editor, Handbook of Ontology/Handbook of Metaphysics
Editor, SUNY Series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture, 1988-
Editorial Board, Catholic University of America Press Series "Thomas Aquinas in Translation," 1990-
Guest-Editor, Issue of Topoi on "The Transcendentals in the Middle Ages," 1992
Advisory Board, Sorites, 1995-2000
Editorial Board, Tópicos, 1995-
Consejo Asesor, Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana, 1996-
Editorial Board, Essays in Philosophy: A Biannual Journal, 1998-2009
Editorial Board, Devenires, 2000-
Editorial Board, Medieval Philosophy Series, Ashgate Press, John Marenbon General Editor
Editorial Board, CR: The New Centennial Review, 2000-
Editorial Board, Quaestio: Annuario di Storia della Metafisica, 2001-
Editorial Board, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006-
Editorial Board, Inter-American Journal of Philosophy, 2009-
Editorial Board, EIDE: Foundation of Ontology series, Ontos Verlag and later DeGruyter, 2009-May 31, 2014
Board of Editorial Advisers, Studia Neo-Aristotelica, 2010-
Editorial Board, Critical Philosophy of Race, 2011-2014
Editorial Board, Philosophia Practica, 2012-
Guest Editor, American Philosophical Quarterly, 2014
Editorial Board, Brill Series on Metaphysics, G. Klima general editor, 2015
Interviews of Jorge J. E. Gracia (only extensive interviews are listed)
1. "Cuban Relations," Reporter 19, 3 (Dec 10, 1987), 3
2. "The Browning of America," Buffalo, Sunday Magazine of Buffalo News (Dec. 13, 1987), 6-15
3. "Why Study the Humanities? Are They Imperiled?" UB Today (Winter 1989), 2-5
4. "Jorge Gracia: Philosopher and Teacher of Philosophy," Spectrum (April 8, 1992), 17
5. "Can There Be a Latin American Philosophy? A Conversation with Jorge Gracia," Working Title: Intercultural Studies 1, 1 (1994), 157-177. Part of this interview reprinted in UB Department of Philosophy Nousletter 7 (1995), 1-4
6. "Hermeneutics and Textual Interpretation," China (2002)
7. "Interview with Jorge Gracia," in APA Newsletters 2, 1 (Fall 2002), 134-146.
8. "Interpretation, Texts, and Inter-Cultural Studies," Concordia 43 (2003), 85-98
9. "Interview with Jorge Gracia," in Revista Electronica de Estudos Tomistas 3 (2006), www.aquinate.net
10. "Interview with Jorge Gracia," Ivan Jaksić interviewer (see listing, below, to download this interview)
11. "Entrevista de Jorge Gracia por Emilio Ichikawa (see listing, below, to download this interview)
12. "Interview with Jorge Gracia," Ivan Jaksic interviewer, in Identity, Memory, Diaspora: Voices of Cuban-American Artists, Writers and Philosophers (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2008), pp. 222-232
13. "Musings on Culture and Identity," Hispanic Executive 4, 16 (Sept/Oct 2011), pp. 66-68
Department of Philosophy Service
Chair, Library Committee, 1971-72
Chair, Curriculum Committee, 1974-77, 1991-92
Member (elected) Executive Committee, 1974-76, 1977-78, 1979-85, 1986-88, 1989-92, 1994-2001
Chair, Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, 1977-78, 1987-88, 1993-94
Member, Ad Hoc Committee for Academic Planning, 1978-83
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on General Education, 1979-80
Chair, Marvin Farber Memorial Endowment Fund Board of Overseers, 1981-85
Chair, Search Committee, 1989-90
Chair, Personnel Committee, 1990-92
Chair, Placement Committee, 1994-95
Chair, Steinberg Prize, 1995-96
Chair, Colloquium Committee, 1996-97, 2000-2001
Chair, Search Commitee, 2002-2003
Chair, Progress and Evaluation Committee, 2003-2005
Chair, Search Committee, 2005-2006
Chair, Search Committee, 2006-2007
Chair, Placement Committee, 2015
Member of many other standing and ad hoc committees
University at Buffalo Service
Member, Latin American Studies Program, 1971-74
Member, SUNYAB Graduate Faculty since 1972
Fellow, Vico College, SUNYAB, 1975-80
Senator (elected), Faculty Senate, 1977-78
Member (elected), Faculty of Social Sciences Policy Committee, 1977-78
Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Information and Library Resources, 1978-80
Member, SUNYAB-SUC Salamanca Program Committee, 1978-82
Member, Faculty of Social Sciences Budget Committee, Spring 1979, 1979-81
Member, President's Task Force on International Studies at UB, 1981-83
Member, Presidential Review Board, 1986-89
Inside Evaluator, Graduate Program Evaluation for Department of History, 1987
Member, University-wide World Civilization Advisory Committee, 1987-92
Member, Council on International Studies and Programs, 1988-90
Inside Evaluator, Graduate Program in Spanish, 1989
Member, Search Committee for Dept. of History Chair, 1989
Member, President's Humanities Focus Group, 1988-89
Member, Arts and Letters/Social Sciences Merger Committee, 1989-90
Member, Planning Committee for the Humanities Institute, 1990-91
Senior Member of the Undergraduate College, 1990-93
Member, Task Force to Develop a Mission Statement for University, 1991-92
Member, Provost's Advisory Committee on the Structure of the Arts and Sciences, 1993-94
Member, Latino Language and Culture Program Working Group, 1994-96
Member, Faculty Senate Educational Program and Policy Committee, 1994-95
Member, Provost's Advisory Committee on the Future Roles and Directions of the Humanities at UB, 1994-95
Member, Faculty of Social Sciences Committee on Committees, 1995-96
Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities, 1996-97
Member, Search Committee for Director of Hispanic/Latino Studies, 1996-97
Member, Latino Studies Advisory Committee, 1997-2000
Member, UB SUNY Distinguished Professor Selection Committee, 1998-2001
Member, Provost Search Committee, 1999-2000
Member, Board of Advisors, Center for the Americas, 1999-2001
Member, College of Arts and Sciences Policy Committee, 1999- 2001
Member University Committee on Curriculum, 2000- 2002
Member, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Search Committee, 2001
Member, Search Committee for position in Modern Languages Department, 2001-2
Chair, English Department Chair Search Committee, 2005-2006
Member, Dean of The College Search Committee, 2006-2007
Member, Dean of The College Committee for Program Evaluation, Fall of 2010
Member, Presidential Review Board, 2009-2012 (2nd 3-year term)
Member, panel for new faculty orientation, 2010
SUNY Central Service
Member, SUNY Press Editorial Board, 1991-94
Member, Chancellor's Advisory Committee, 2004-2007
Member, Chancellor's Advisory Council for Distinguished Professorships, 2004-6
Member, Director of SUNY Press Search Committee, 2007
Ph.D. Dissertations Directed
1. Peter Redpath, "The Ontological Status of Time in the Sentences, Summa and Physics of Thomas Aquinas," 1974
2. Russell Hatton, "A Comparative Study of the Role of Matter in Suárez's Metaphysics and of Chi in Chu Hsi's Thought," 1979
3. Iván Jaksic, "The Philosophy of Juan Rivano: The Intellectual Background of the University Reform Movement of 1968 in Chile," 1981
4. Douglas Davis, "The Relational Theory of Evil," 1986 (Perry Prize for Oustanding Dissertations in Philosophy)
5. Woosuk Park, "Haecceitas and the Bare Particular: Study of Duns Scotus' Theory of Individuation," 1988 (Perry Prize for Outstanding Dissertations in Philosophy)
6. John Kronen, "The Substantial Unity of Material Substances," 1990 (Perry Prize for Outstanding Dissertations in Philosophy)
7. Michael Gorman, "Ontological Priority," 1993 (Perry Prize for Outstanding Dissertations in Philosophy)
8. Richard Beatch, "Epistemological Relativism," 1993
9. William Irwin, "Interpretation and Authorship," 1996 (Perry Prize for Outstanding Dissertations in Philosophy)
10. Elizabeth Millán-Zaibert, "Friedrich Schlegel and the Problem of Philosophy's Starting Point: A Study on the Philosophical Foundations of Early-German Romanticism," 1997
11. Idris Hamid, "The Metaphysics and Cosmology of Process According to Shaykh 'Ahmad Al-'Ahsa'I," 1998
12. Robert Delfino, "The Ontological Status of Identity," 2001
13. Jonathan Sanford, "The Metaphysical Foundations of Ethics" 2001
14. Sandro D'Onofrio, "Aquinas as Representionalist: The Ontological Status of the Species Intelligibilis" 2008
15. Paul Symington, "The Number and Identity of the Aristotelian Categories" 2008
16. Daniel Novotny, "Beings of Reason: A Study in Baroque Scholasticism" (Perry Prize for Outstanding Dissertations in Philosophy), 2008
17. Ernesto R. Velásquez, "Politics and the Metaphysics of Latino Identity," 2009
18. Steven Halady, "The Familial Conception of Race," 2010
19. Susan Smith, "The Hidden Assumption: Race vs Ethnicity," 2010
20. Mark Spencer, "Thomistic Hylomorphism and the Phenomenology of Self-Sensing," 2012 (Perry Prize for Outstanding Dissertations in Philosophy)
21. Stephanie Rivera-Berruz, "The Quest for Recognition: The Case of Latin American," 2014
M.A. Theses Directed
1. Edith Frail, "The Role of Philosophy in the Peruvian Process of Change," 1976
2. Brian Imiola, "Historiographical Realism and Anti-Realism," 1996
3. Heron Simmonds, "The Reality of Race," 1999
4. Sandro D'Onofrio, "The Ontological Status of Formal and Objective Concepts in Suarez," 2002.
5. Hans van den Broeck, "The Concept of Science in Aquinas and Ockham," 2006.
6. Steven Stiller, 2008
6. Ian McCraken, "The Ethical Relevance of Death," 2011
7. Kyungah Lee, "What Is True Orientalism?" 2011
8. Yington Bao, "Averroes's Reconciliation and Reason" 2013