• Asia Research Institute Faculty Grants
    The UB Asia Research Institute (ARI) offers research grants of up to $3,000 on a competitive basis to support scholarly research or creative work related to Asia and Asian diasporas. Funds can support research travel; purchase and collection of data; subvention or other publication expenses; and student research assistants. 
  • International Education Research Grants
    Through the University at Buffalo Office of International Education (OIE), faculty and graduate students at UB who work on Asia-related topics have the opportunity to apply for funding to support their research.
  • Korean Studies Funding
    With grant funding from the Academy of Korean Studies, the Asia Research Institute provides seed funding for faculty research projects, faculty conference travel support, and funding to develop new Korean studies classes or classroom modules.
  • Nila T. Gnamm Fund
    Managed by the UB APEC Study Center, in conjunction with the Department of Geography and Asian Studies Program, the Nila T. Gnamm Fund supports UB faculty and student research projects related to the study of Southeast Asia, including projects conducted in affiliation with the Asia Research Center.