Software Spotlight: Endnote

Students in the hallway.

By Joe Ferguson

Published January 24, 2017 This content is archived.

Joe Ferguson.

Joe Ferguson (UB Student, Class of 2019) was born in Sacramento, CA, but currently lives in Lockport, NY. He is studying Marketing/Public Relations and Communications. He hopes to get a job in as a marketing person or PR agent for a California-based company when he graduates.

Endnote is reference and citation management software. With Endnote, you can easily organize and keep track of any references you find during research for a paper, and create bibliographies and citations for your papers with ease. Your references can be sorted into one easy-to-access library for future use, which means your research and bibliographies get easier the more you use it.

Here are a few of the features that make organizing your research easier with Endnote:

Cite while you write (CWYW)

Cite While You Write is accessible right in your chosen word processor. It lets you select citations from your Endnote libraries to insert directly into your paper, already formatted based on your chosen style. 

Different citation styles

Endnote automatically formats your citations to fit the style you need: APA, MLA, Author-Date and more.

Import references

The materials you find and read on databases can be imported directly from the web browser to Endnote. Databases like JSTOR, PubMed, Google Scholar, etc. all have an option to import that material directly to your library and then use it as needed.

Online database search mode

Endnote has an online search mode for databases built right in. You can search several databases at once using a few keywords. Once you do that, you can import all the references that match your search terms to your library.