Teaching Assistants: Get Expanded Lync Privileges

By Laura Yates

Published November 19, 2014 This content is archived.

UB’s Virtual Conferencing tool, Microsoft Lync, allows faculty, staff and students to initiate and conduct audio and video calls, hold online meetings and share their desktop.


Laura Yates (UBIT Staff) is a valuable member of UB Information Technology and has worked for UB for 30 years, most recently as part of the IT Policy & Communication team. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her grandson and taking walks with her dog, Freckles.

It’s the perfect tool to use when you can’t make a meeting in person, or if your instructor allows you to attend a course from home.

That said, you may have run into some roadblocks using Lync.  If you’re a teaching assistant, you may not see an option to record a session since students don’t typically have those permissions. UB students also normally can’t start a host a session with more than 10 attendees.

If you’re a faculty or staff member who needs a teaching assistant or student to have recording privileges and the ability to schedule more than 10 attendees, request that access using this form.