Prenatal and ETS Exposure: Effects on Child Regulation

Eiden | Colder | Homish | Schuetze | Molnar
This study investigated the impact of prenatal and postnatal exposure to cigarette smoke and associated environmental risks on the development of children’s physiological, emotional and behavioral regulation, reactivity to stress, and social competence from birth to kindergarten age.

In this continuation of a longitudinal, multi-method study, Principal Investigator Dr. Rina Eiden investigated the impact of prenatal and passive exposure to cigarette smoke on the development of self-regulation and social competence upon entry into kindergarten. The study also examined developmental trajectories of reactivity and regulation using behavioral and biological indices among cigarette exposed and non-exposed children from birth to early school years. Additional goals of the study were to eamine if associations between cigarette exposure and children's self-regulation and social competence may be mediated by developmental trajectories of reactivity and regulation in the infant/toddler years; and to examine if these associations may be moderated by infant perinatal risks, maternal risks (psychopathology, parenting), or cumulative environmental risk. This study addressed several gaps in the literature including examination of multiple levels of self-regulation, long-term developmental pathways associated with cigarette exposure, and consideration of key mediators and moderators of these pathways. Understanding developmental trajectories will inform the timing of prevention/intervention efforts. Understanding mediating processes that predict outcomes, or may act to increase risk or promote resilience will inform the content of interventions. 

Principal Investigator
Rina Das Eiden, PhD
Research Institute on Addictions

Pamela Schuetze, PhD
Buffalo State College

Craig Colder, PhD
Department of Psychology
University at Buffalo

Gregory Homish, PhD
School of Public Health and Health Professions
University at Buffalo

Danielle Molnar, PhD
Research Institue on Addictions

Funding Agency
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Grant Number
