Travel Preapproval Request

Travelers who have not requested preapproval for travel in Concur must attach a copy of the completed, signed travel preapproval form to their submitted expense report for reimbursement.

  • The university's travel policy requires faculty and staff who are traveling on an overnight trip to seek preapproval to travel from their supervisor. The previous paper form is now an electronic preapproval request that can only be submitted through Concur.
  • If a request has not been submitted, you must attach a copy of the completed signed travel preapproval form to your submitted expense report for reimbursement.

Download the Form

Download and save the form to your desktop in order to fully utilize the fillable form features.

Mobile Users

For the best experience in completing this form use a non-mobile device.

Using Firefox with PDF forms?

Make Adobe Acrobat the reader.

Completing the PDF Form

  1. Open the PDF form, then download and save it to your desktop files.
  2. Go to your desktop files to open the PDF form. 
  3. Complete all required fields on the form.
  4. Save the completed form.
  5. Send the completed form to all approvers to obtain signatures for approval.
  6. Retain a copy of the completed signed form.
  7. Once your travel is preapproved, and after your trip has occurred, you must attach a copy of the completed signed travel pre-approval form to your submitted expense report for reimbursement.

Need Help Completing the Form?

Meg Mitchell.

Meg Mitchell


Travel, Financial Management

Phone: 716-645-4535


Form Facts

Form Type: Downloadable, PDF document

Requirements: Adobe Reader

Updated: 03/2022

Owner: Financial Management