Time Sheet (Semiannual) For Adjunct Faculty

Faculty and professional employees represented by UUP submit semiannual time sheets to their supervisors.

Submit your time sheet twice a year:

- By July 5 to your supervisor
- By July 17 to Human Resources

- By July 5 to your supervisor
- By July 17 to Human Resources

Having trouble opening Excel forms?

Some Excel forms will not open with Internet Explorer. Use Firefox or choose SAVE AS, not OPEN, to download the file.

Need Help Completing the Form?

Amy Myszka.

Amy Myszka


Benefits and Work Life Balance

Phone: 716-645-5357

Email: amyszka@buffalo.edu

Form Facts

Form Type: Downloadable, Microsoft Excel document

Requirements: Microsoft Office Excel

Updated: 11/2013

Owner: Human Resources