Spectrometry and Spectroscopy

Elemental Analyzer – Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS) system – Thermo Scientific Flash 2000 EA, Delta V Plus IRMS

Trace1310 gas chromatograph, Isolink II, ConFlo IV, and a Delta V Plus IRMS.

Trace1310 gas chromatograph, Isolink II, ConFlo IV, and a Delta V Plus IRMS

This EA-IRMS system can simultaneously measure δ13C and δ15N of bulk organic material, as well as quantify %-Carbon and %-Nitrogen of the sample. Potential samples include sediments, plant tissues, bone, or other biological materials.


  • Flash 2000 EA
    • Combustion reactor packed with silvered cobaltous oxide and chromium oxide
    • Reduction reactor packed with reduced copper
    • Organic material is quantitatively converted to CO2 and N2 gas for IRMS analysis
    • Delta V Plus IRMS
    • Five faraday collectors configured to measure stable isotopes of C, H, N, O
    • Upper mass limit of 96 amu, mass resolution of 110 at 10% peak height
  • Ideal sample mass depends on expected sample carbon and nitrogen content. For example, sediments generally require 25 mg of material to get reliable measurements. 


414A Cooke Hall
North Campus


Hours of Operation


Contact Information

Owen Cowling
Laboratory Manager
455 Hochstetter Hall
(614) 284-4467