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The correct name of the university is “University at Buffalo,” not “University of Buffalo.”

Yini Zhang

Assistant Professor of Communication
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences


Social media, political communication, misinformation, online activism, impact of social media on journalism and democracy

Portrait of Yini Zhang, University at Buffalo political communication and social media expert.

Yini Zhang is an expert on social media and political communication. She uses computational methods to study the formation of networks on social media, information flows across traditional and social media, and their implications for journalism and democracy.

Her research interests include public attention and opinion on social media; how disinformation or misinformation originates and spreads; and participants and counter-participants in online activism. Her past work has investigated communication topics relating to gun laws and mass shootings, immigration, the #MeToo movement, Donald Trump’s social media following, and Russian disinformation.


Zhang can respond to interview requests in English and Chinese (Mandarin).


Yini Zhang, PhD
Assistant Professor of Communication
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences